commit 5478829a2bdfece833624da2f20828451d70702e
parent cc54381e861ab4c06c07210cdfc8b68c88f6f862
Author: Eamon Caddigan <>
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2021 18:40:50 -0500
New grid_to_distance_matrix is almost 17x faster
M | | | | 66 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------------- |
1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -32,51 +32,35 @@ def grid_to_distance_matrix(input_array: np.ndarray) -> csr_matrix:
# indicies into the original 2d array in the distance matrix: e.g., the
# last element in a 3x3 array has index 8 (thanks to zero-indexing), and is
# connected to index 7 (to its left) and index 5 (above it), so the sparse
- # distance matrix will have connections in row 8 at columns 5 and 7. I
- # believe that this function could be much more efficient by being smart
- # with divmod, but it's only run once per solution, so the easier-to-debug
- # implementation wins the day. Also note that this is a _directed_
- # distance/connectivity/association matrix, because the cost of going from
- # #8 to #7 isn't necessarily teh same as going from #7 to #8.
- dist_row_ids = []
- dist_col_ids = []
- dist_data = []
- for grid_row_id in range(input_array.shape[0]):
- for grid_col_id in range(input_array.shape[1]):
- dist_row_id = grid_row_id * input_array.shape[1] + grid_col_id
- if grid_row_id >= 1:
- # Top neighbor
- dist_row_ids.append(dist_row_id)
- dist_col_ids.append(dist_row_id - \
- input_array.shape[1])
- dist_data.append(input_array[grid_row_id - 1,
- grid_col_id])
+ # distance matrix will have connections in row 8 at columns 5 and 7. Note
+ # that this is a _directed_ distance/connectivity/association matrix,
+ # because the cost of going from #8 to #7 isn't necessarily the same as
+ # going from #7 to #8.
- if grid_row_id < (input_array.shape[0] - 1):
- # Bottom neighbor
- dist_row_ids.append(dist_row_id)
- dist_col_ids.append(dist_row_id + \
- input_array.shape[1])
- dist_data.append(input_array[grid_row_id + 1,
- grid_col_id])
+ # In the (sparse) distance matrix, data will be stored as:
+ # Row: node id (row-major indexing), Col: neighbor id
+ # We'll start off by pretending that every node has four neighbors
+ dist_row_ids = np.repeat(np.arange(input_array.size, dtype=int), 4)
+ dist_col_ids = np.empty_like(dist_row_ids)
+ dist_col_ids[0::4] = dist_row_ids[0::4] - 1 # Left
+ dist_col_ids[1::4] = dist_row_ids[1::4] + 1 # Right
+ dist_col_ids[2::4] = dist_row_ids[2::4] - input_array.shape[1] # Top
+ dist_col_ids[3::4] = dist_row_ids[3::4] + input_array.shape[1] # Bottom
- if grid_col_id >= 1:
- # Left neighbor
- dist_row_ids.append(dist_row_id)
- dist_col_ids.append(dist_row_id - 1)
- dist_data.append(input_array[grid_row_id,
- grid_col_id - 1])
- if grid_col_id < (input_array.shape[1] - 1):
- # Right neighbor
- dist_row_ids.append(dist_row_id)
- dist_col_ids.append(dist_row_id + 1)
- dist_data.append(input_array[grid_row_id,
- grid_col_id + 1])
+ # Now we remove the invalid neighbors (at the edges)
+ grid_col_ids = dist_row_ids % input_array.shape[1]
+ grid_row_ids = dist_row_ids // input_array.shape[1]
+ keep_neighbor = np.empty_like(grid_col_ids, dtype=bool)
+ keep_neighbor[0::4] = grid_col_ids[0::4] >= 1
+ keep_neighbor[1::4] = grid_col_ids[1::4] < (input_array.shape[1] - 1)
+ keep_neighbor[2::4] = grid_row_ids[2::4] >= 1
+ keep_neighbor[3::4] = grid_row_ids[3::4] < (input_array.shape[0] - 1)
+ dist_row_ids = dist_row_ids[keep_neighbor]
+ dist_col_ids = dist_col_ids[keep_neighbor]
# There are a bunch of ways to instantiate a csr_matrix, this is the most
- # appropriate for these data
- return csr_matrix((dist_data,
+ # appropriate for this data format
+ return csr_matrix((np.reshape(input_array, input_array.size)[dist_col_ids],
(dist_row_ids, dist_col_ids)))
def find_shortest_path(distance_matrix: csr_matrix):