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      1 ---
      2 title: "Bayesian estimation of anti-vaccination belief changes"
      3 description: How easy is it to change people's minds about vaccinating their children?
      4 date: 2015-09-03
      5 categories:
      6 - Data Science
      7 - Science
      8 tags:
      9 - Statistics
     10 - Psychology
     11 ---
     13 ## Introduction
     15 How easy is it to change people's minds about vaccinating their children?
     16 According to a recent study ([Horne, Powell, Hummel & Holyoak,
     17 2015](http://www.pnas.org/content/112/33/10321.abstract)), a simple
     18 intervention -- which consisted of showing participants images, an anecdote,
     19 and some short warnings about diseases -- made participants more likely to
     20 support childhood vaccinations. [Here's a good
     21 writeup](https://news.illinois.edu/blog/view/6367/234202) of the article if
     22 you're unable to read the original.
     24 The authors [placed their data online](https://osf.io/nx364/), which comprises
     25 pre- and post-intervention survey responses for three groups of participants: 
     27 1. A control group
     28 2. An "autism correction" group that were shown evidence that vaccines don't
     29 cause autism.
     30 3. A "disease risk" group that were shown images, an anecdote, and some short
     31 warnings about the diseases (such as rubella and measles) that the vaccines
     32 prevent. 
     34 I chose to look over this data for a couple reasons. First, I'm friends with
     35 two of the authors (University of Illinois Psychologists Zach Horne and John
     36 Hummel) and it's good to see them doing cool work. Second, my own research has
     37 given me little opportunity to work with survey data, and I wanted more
     38 experience with the method. I was excited to try a Bayesian approach because it
     39 makes it possible to perform post hoc comparisons without inflating the "type
     40 I"" (false positive) error rates (see below).
     42 Participants were given a surveys with five questions and asked to rate their
     43 level of agreement with each on a six-point scale.
     45 code         | question
     46 -------------|-------------
     47 healthy      | Vaccinating healthy children helps protect others by stopping the spread of disease.
     48 diseases     | Children do not need vaccines for diseases that are not common anymore. *reverse coded*
     49 doctors      | Doctors would not recommend vaccines if they were unsafe.
     50 side_effects | The risk of side effects outweighs any protective benefits of vaccines. *reverse coded*
     51 plan_to      | I plan to vaccinate my children.
     53 ![Raw responses, showing the pre- to post-intervention transition probabilities](plot_responses-1.png)
     55 The above figure shows the data. Each line represents a single participant's
     56 responses before and after the intervention, organized by intervention group
     57 and question. Lines are colored by the magnitude of the change in response;
     58 blue lines indicate an increase in agreement (toward a more pro-vaccine stance)
     59 and red lines indicate a reduction in agreement (a more anti-vaccine stance).
     61 The JAGS code for the model is part of the source of this document, which is
     62 [available through Git](https://git.eamoncaddigan.net/antivax-attitudes/).
     63 It uses a Bayesian analog to a three-factor ANOVA, with a thresholded
     64 cummulative normal distribution serving as a link function. Such models fit
     65 ordinal responses (such as those obtained from surveys) well. The thresholds
     66 and variance of the link function were fit independently for each question.
     67 The mean of the function was estimated for each response using a linear
     68 combination of the levels of the question, the interval (pre-test vs.
     69 post-test), the intervention group, and all interactions between these
     70 factors. 
     72 ## Results
     74 ### A "risk" intervention changes attitudes toward vaccination
     76 When fitting model parameters using Monte Carlo methods, it's important to
     77 inspect the posterior distribution to make sure the samples converged. Here's
     78 an example of one parameter, the intercept for the mean of the cummulative
     79 normal.
     81 ![Sampling behavior of model fitting procedure](plot_diag-1.png)
     83 It's also important to check the predictions made by a model against the data
     84 being fit, as "[we cannot really interpret the parameters of the model very
     85 meaningfully when the model doesn't describe the data very
     86 well](http://doingbayesiandataanalysis.blogspot.com/2015/08/a-case-in-which-metric-data-are-better.html)".
     87 Here are response histograms for each question, averaged across the levels of
     88 the other factors. Model predictions are superimposed on the histograms, along
     89 with the 95% HDI for each response.
     91 ![Raw responses and model predictions](plot_ppc-1.png)
     93 Since the sampling procedure was well-behaved and the model describes the data
     94 well, we can use the parameter estimates to judge the size of the effects. Here
     95 are is the estimate of the change in attitude (post-test - pre-test) for each
     96 intervention group.
     98 ![Posterior estimates of change in belief](plot_change-1.png)
    100 These plots highlight the 95% highest density interval (HDI) for the posterior
    101 distributions of the parameters. Also highlighted are a comparison value, which
    102 in this case is a pre- vs. post-test difference of 0, and a "range of practical
    103 equivalence" (ROPE) around the comparison value. The HDI of the posterior
    104 distribution of attitude shifts for the "disease risk" group" (but no other
    105 group) falls completely outside this ROPE, so we can reasonably conclude that
    106 this intervention changes participants' attitudes toward vaccination. 
    108 We can also use the posterior distributions to directly estimate the shifts
    109 relative to the control group. Here is the difference between the attitude
    110 change observed for both the "autism correction" and "disease risk" groups
    111 compared to the attitude change in the control group.
    113 ![Change relative to control](plot_change_rel-1.png)
    115 The posterior distribution above shows that "disease risk" participants shifted
    116 their response about half an interval relative to the control group following
    117 the intervention. The "autism correction" participants, however, did not show a
    118 credible change in vaccination attitudes. Bayesian estimation replicates the
    119 conclusions drawn by Horne and colleagues. 
    121 ### Post hoc comparisons
    123 An analysis following the tradition of null-hypothesis significance testing
    124 (NHST) attempts to minimize the risk of "type I" errors, which occur when the
    125 "null" hypothesis (i.e., there is no effect) is erroneously rejected. The more
    126 tests performed in the course of an analysis, the more likely that such an
    127 error will occur due to random variation. The [Wikipedia article on the
    128 "Multiple Comparisons
    129 Problem"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_comparisons_problem) is an
    130 approachable read on the topic and explains many of the corrections that are
    131 applied when making mulitple comparisons in a NHST framework.
    133 Instead of focusing on type I error, the goal of Bayesian estimation is to estimate values of the parameters of a model of the data. The posterior distribution provides a range of credible values that these parameters can take. Inferences are made on the basis of these estimates; e.g., we see directly that the "disease risk" intervention shifts participants' attitude toward vaccination about one half of an interval. Since a single model was fit to all the data, additional comparisons of parameter distributions don't increase the chance of generating false positives. [Gelman, Hill, and Yajima (2008)](http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/research/unpublished/multiple2.pdf) is a great resource on this. 
    135 For example, we can look at the size of the shift in attitude toward each
    136 question for each group. If we used an NHST approach, these 15 additional
    137 comparisons would either seriously inflate the type I error rate (using a
    138 p-value of 0.05 on each test would result in an overall error rate of 0.54), or
    139 require much smaller nominal p-values for each test. 
    141 ![Posterior estimates of single-question belief changes](plot_posthoc-1.png)
    143 The only credible differences for single questions both occur for participants
    144 in the "disease risk" group. The "healthy" ("Vaccinating healthy children helps
    145 protect others by stopping the spread of disease.") and "diseases" ("Children
    146 do not need vaccines for diseases that are not common anymore.") questions show
    147 a reliable positive shift, which makes a lot of sense given the nature of the
    148 intervention. However, it's important to note that the HDIs are very wide for
    149 these posteriors compared to the ones shown earlier. This is driven primarily
    150 by the fact that this comparison relies on a three-way interaction, which has
    151 greater variance (as is typical in traditional ANOVA models). The posterior
    152 mode of the change for the "plan_to" question ("I plan to vaccinate my
    153 children") is fairly large for the "disease risk" group, but the wide HDI spans
    154 the ROPE around 0. 
    156 ### Expanding the models
    158 My goal was to examine the conclusions made in the original report of these
    159 data. However, this is just one way to model the data, and different models are
    160 more appropriate for different questions. For instance, the standard deviation
    161 and thereshold values were fit separately for each question here, but these
    162 could instead be based on a hyperparameter that could iteself be modelled. I
    163 also excluded subject effects from the model; there were many subjects (over
    164 300), so a full model with these included would take much longer to fit, but
    165 may produce more generalizable results. Bayesian estimation requires an
    166 investigator to be intentional about modelling decisions, which I consider to
    167 be an advantage of the method.
    169 ### Prior probabilities
    171 A defining characteristic of Bayesian analyses is that prior information about
    172 the model parameters is combined with their likelihood (derived from the data)
    173 to produce posterior distributions. In this analysis, I used priors that put
    174 weak constraints on the values of the parameters. If an investigator has reason
    175 to assume that parameters will take on certain values (e.g., the results of a
    176 previous study), this prior information can -- and should -- be incorporated
    177 into the analysis. Again, I like that these decisions have to be made
    178 deliberately. 
    180 ## Conclusions
    182 Concerns about a possible link between childhood vaccination and autism is
    183 causing some parents to skip childhood vaccinations, which is dangerous
    184 ([Calandrillo, 2004](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15568260)). However, an
    185 intervention that exposes people to the consequences of the diseases that
    186 vaccinations prevent makes them respond more favorably toward childhood
    187 vaccination. A separate group of participants did not change their attitudes
    188 after being shown information discrediting the vaccination-autism link, nor did
    189 a group of control participants. 
    191 ### Acknowledgements
    193 [Zach Horne](http://www.zacharyhorne.com/) made the data available for analysis
    194 (by anyone!), and gave useful feedback on an earlier version of this write-up.
    195 Much of the code for Bayesian estimation was cobbled together from programs
    196 distributed with Doing Bayesian Data Analysis (2nd ed) by [John K.
    197 Kruschke](http://www.indiana.edu/~kruschke/).