commit ca0dcd8b11c944caabfe3fcce2fa50d57bf492c1
parent 0442d7e62531b0f6e01ff818631f7242fab7c2a8
Author: Andrew Alderwick <>
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2021 11:23:20 +0000
Added beginnings of neralie.
1 file changed, 160 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/projects/software/neralie.usm b/projects/software/neralie.usm
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+( Prints Neralie time to console.
+ Formatting isn't great, but it demonstrates that
+ the conversion works correctly. It's a little jittery
+ at the beginning because the FPS calculation isn't
+ accurate, so in the finished program delay showing
+ pulses for up to the first two seconds.
+ When compiled to bin/boot.rom, the faketime package
+ allows easy testing of midnight roll-over:
+ faketime '23:59:42' bin/emulator bin/boot.rom
+;fps { current 1 next 1 second 1 }
+;number { started 1 count 1 }
+;linee { var 2 }
+;neralie { n6543 2 n21 1 }
+|0100 ;Console { pad 8 char 1 byte 1 short 2 }
+|0110 ;Screen { width 2 height 2 pad 4 x 2 y 2 color 1 }
+|0120 ;Sprite { pad 8 x 2 y 2 addr 2 color 1 }
+|0190 ;Time { year 2 month 1 day 1 hour 1 minute 1 second 1 dow 1 doy 2 isdst 1 pad 4 get 1 }
+|01F0 .RESET .FRAME .ERROR ( vectors )
+|01F8 [ 13fd 1ef3 1bf2 ] ( palette )
+|0200 @RESET
+ #3c =fps.current
+ ,update-fps JSR2
+ ,neralie-calc JSR2
+ ,font #00 ~number.count #08 MUL ADD2 =Sprite.addr
+ #02 =Sprite.color
+ #0000 #00 ~number.count DUP2 ,h JSR2
+ ~number.count #01 ADD =number.count
+ ( add up fractions of a pulse )
+ #0120 #00 ~Time.hour MUL2
+ #00c0 #00 ~Time.minute MUL2 ADD2
+ #00f8 #00 ~Time.second MUL2 ADD2
+ #0271 #00 MUL2 #00 ~fps.current DIV2 #0008 MUL2 ADD2
+ #01b0 DIV2
+ ( add up units and tens of pulses )
+ #0042 #00 ~Time.hour MUL2 ADD2
+ #005e #00 ~Time.minute MUL2 ADD2
+ #000b #00 ~Time.second MUL2 ADD2
+ DUP2 #0064 DIV2 DUP2 STH2 #0064 MUL2 SUB2 =neralie.n21 POP
+ ( add up hundreds of pulses + 10 x beats )
+ STH2r
+ #01a0 #00 ~Time.hour MUL2 ADD2
+ #0006 #00 ~Time.minute MUL2 ADD2 =neralie.n6543
+ ~neralie.n6543 ,print-short-decimal JSR2
+ #20 =Console.char
+ ~neralie.n21 ,print-byte-decimal JSR2
+ #0a =Console.char
+ JMP2r
+@h ( x1₂ x2₂ y₂ -- )
+ =Screen.y
+ ,Screen.x =linee.var
+ ^line JMP
+@v ( y1₂ y2₂ x₂ -- )
+ =Screen.x
+ ,Screen.y =linee.var
+ ( ^line JMP is redundant )
+@line ( v1₂ v2₂ -- )
+ STH2
+ $loop
+ DUP2 DUP2r STH2r GTH2 ^$end JNZ
+ DUP2 ~linee.var STR2
+ #03 =Screen.color
+ #0001 ADD2
+ ^$loop JMP
+ $end
+ POP2 POP2r
+ JMP2r
+ #00 =Time.get
+ #01 ADD
+ ~Time.second ~fps.second NEQ JMP JMP2r
+ ~Time.second =fps.second
+ =fps.current
+ ^print-byte-decimal JSR
+ ,strings-fps ^print-string JSR
+ #00
+ JMP2r
+@print-byte-decimal ( byte₁ -- )
+ #00 =number.started
+ DUP #64 DIV DUP ^$digit JSR #64 MUL SUB
+ DUP #0a DIV DUP ^$digit JSR #0a MUL SUB
+ ^$digit JSR
+ ~number.started ^$end JNZ
+ #30 =Console.char
+ $end JMP2r
+ $digit
+ OVR ~number.started ORA #02 JNZ
+ #30 ADD =Console.char
+ #01 =number.started
+ JMP2r
+@print-string ( string₂ -- )
+ DUP2 PEK2 DUP ^$not-end JNZ
+ $end
+ $not-end
+ =Console.char
+ #0001 ADD2 ^print-string JMP
+@print-short-decimal ( short₂ -- )
+ #00 =number.started
+ DUP2 #2710 DIV2 DUP2 ^$digit JSR #2710 MUL2 SUB2
+ DUP2 #03e8 DIV2 DUP2 ^$digit JSR #03e8 MUL2 SUB2
+ DUP2 #0064 DIV2 DUP2 ^$digit JSR #0064 MUL2 SUB2
+ DUP2 #000a DIV2 DUP2 ^$digit JSR #000a MUL2 SUB2
+ ^$digit JSR
+ ~number.started ^$end JNZ
+ #30 =Console.char
+ $end JMP2r
+ $digit
+ OVR ~number.started ORA #02 JNZ
+ #30 ADD =Console.char
+ #01 =number.started
+ JMP2r
+ $fps [ 20 fps 0a 00 ]
+ 003c 464a 5262 3c00 0018 0808 0808 1c00
+ 003c 4202 3c40 7e00 003c 421c 0242 3c00
+ 000c 1424 447e 0400 007e 407c 0242 3c00
+ 003c 407c 4242 3c00 007e 0204 0810 1000
+ 003c 423c 4242 3c00 003c 4242 3e02 3c00