commit ac31bea4bbc5d1642e3a59fe1d0c3fadf5c6d947
parent 5f9c860edf73618a4daf57f460dc35bf158aec3b
Author: Devine Lu Linvega <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 10:01:54 -0700
(uxnasm) Use cndx for runic
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/uxnasm.c b/src/uxnasm.c
@@ -60,13 +60,14 @@ static char ops[][4] = {
static char *runes = "|$@&,_.-;=!?#\"%~";
static char *hexad = "0123456789abcdef";
-static int scmp(char *a, char *b, int len) { int i = 0; while(a[i] == b[i]) if(!a[i] || ++i >= len) return 1; return 0; } /* string compare */
-static int sihx(char *s) { int i = 0; char c; while((c = s[i++])) if(!(c >= '0' && c <= '9') && !(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')) return 0; return i > 1; } /* string is hexadecimal */
-static int shex(char *s) { int n = 0, i = 0; char c; while((c = s[i++])) if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') n = n * 16 + (c - '0'); else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') n = n * 16 + 10 + (c - 'a'); return n; } /* string to num */
-static int slen(char *s) { int i = 0; while(s[i]) i++; return i; } /* string length */
-static int spos(char *s, char c) { Uint8 i = 0, j; while((j = s[i++])) if(j == c) return i; return -1; } /* character position */
-static char *scpy(char *src, char *dst, int len) { int i = 0; while((dst[i] = src[i]) && i < len - 2) i++; dst[i + 1] = '\0'; return dst; } /* string copy */
-static char *scat(char *dst, const char *src) { char *ptr = dst + slen(dst); while(*src) *ptr++ = *src++; *ptr = '\0'; return dst; } /* string cat */
+static int cndx(char *s, char t) { char cc, *r = s; while((cc = *r++)) if(t == cc) return 1; return 0; } /* chr in str */
+static int scmp(char *a, char *b, int len) { int i = 0; while(a[i] == b[i]) if(!a[i] || ++i >= len) return 1; return 0; } /* str compare */
+static int sihx(char *s) { int i = 0; char c; while((c = s[i++])) if(!(c >= '0' && c <= '9') && !(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')) return 0; return i > 1; } /* str is hex */
+static int shex(char *s) { int n = 0, i = 0; char c; while((c = s[i++])) if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') n = n * 16 + (c - '0'); else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') n = n * 16 + 10 + (c - 'a'); return n; } /* str to num */
+static int slen(char *s) { int i = 0; while(s[i]) i++; return i; } /* str length */
+static int spos(char *s, char c) { Uint8 i = 0, j; while((j = s[i++])) if(j == c) return i; return -1; } /* chr position */
+static char *scpy(char *src, char *dst, int len) { int i = 0; while((dst[i] = src[i]) && i < len - 2) i++; dst[i + 1] = '\0'; return dst; } /* str copy */
+static char *scat(char *dst, const char *src) { char *ptr = dst + slen(dst); while(*src) *ptr++ = *src++; *ptr = '\0'; return dst; } /* str cat */
/* clang-format on */
@@ -144,15 +145,6 @@ findopcode(char *s)
static int
-isrune(char c)
- char cc, *r = runes;
- while((cc = *r++))
- if(c == cc) return 1;
- return 0;
-static int
isopcode(char *s)
return findopcode(s) || scmp(s, "BRK", 4);
@@ -190,7 +182,7 @@ makelabel(char *name)
if(findlabel(name)) return error_asm("Label is duplicate");
if(sihx(name)) return error_asm("Label is hex number");
if(isopcode(name)) return error_asm("Label is opcode");
- if(isrune(name[0])) return error_asm("Label name is runic");
+ if(cndx(runes, name[0])) return error_asm("Label name is runic");
if(p.label_len == 0x400) return error_asm("Labels limit exceeded");
l = &p.labels[p.label_len++];
l->addr = p.ptr;
@@ -514,7 +506,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE *src, *dst;
if(argc == 1) return error_top("usage", "uxnasm [-v] input.tal output.rom");
- if(scmp(argv[1], "-v", 2)) return !fprintf(stdout, "Uxnasm - Uxntal Assembler, 25 Mar 2024.\n");
+ if(scmp(argv[1], "-v", 2)) return !fprintf(stdout, "Uxnasm - Uxntal Assembler, 26 Mar 2024.\n");
if(!(src = fopen(setlocation(argv[1]), "r"))) return !error_top("Invalid input", argv[1]);
if(!assemble(src)) return !error_top("Assembly", "Failed to assemble rom.");
if(!(dst = fopen(argv[2], "wb"))) return !error_top("Invalid Output", argv[2]);