commit a646d34cf470da914c6bc24f4b1cadac392ce9cf
parent bdaca53a7caad4d270970d1a1977e3e0b2e875b7
Author: neauoire <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 16:32:32 -0700
Merge branch 'master' of
2 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
diff --git a/projects/tests/opcodes.usm b/projects/tests/opcodes.usm
@@ -1,60 +1,106 @@
+ tests/opcodes : automated testing of opcodes
+ This file generates a lot of stack underflows on purpose:
+ it's handy to supress all the warning by piping through grep
+ | grep -vF 'Halted: Working-stack underflow'
+;test { code 2 label 2 status 1 }
+;counts { failed 2 passed 2 unknown 2 }
+;number { started 1 }
|0100 ;Console { pad 8 char 1 byte 1 short 2 }
-|0110 ;Screen { width 2 height 2 pad 4 x 2 y 2 color 1 }
-|0120 ;Sprite { pad 8 x 2 y 2 addr 2 color 1 }
-|0130 ;Controller { buttons 1 }
-|0140 ;Keys { key 1 }
-|0150 ;Mouse { x 2 y 2 state 1 chord 1 }
-|0160 ;File { pad 8 name 2 length 2 load 2 save 2 }
-|01E0 ;Debug { pad 8 stack 1 snapshot 1 exit 1 pad 4 test_mode 1 }
|01F0 .RESET .FRAME .ERROR ( vectors )
-|01F8 [ f07c f0e2 f0c2 ] ( palette )
-%TEST { BRK2?r LITr EOR2? DUP? }
-%PASS { #01 ,result JSR2 }
-%FAIL { #00 ,result JSR2 }
-%PASS? { ,result JSR2 }
+%PASS? { ,result JMP2 BRK2?r LITr EOR2? DUP? }
+%PASS { #01 PASS? }
+%FAIL { #00 PASS? }
- TEST ADD FAIL [ add-needs-two ]
- TEST #01 ADD FAIL [ add-needs-two ]
- TEST #01 #02 ADD #03 EQU PASS? [ add-result ]
- TEST #01 #02 ADD #ff EQU PASS? [ this-test-fails ]
+ ADD FAIL [ add-needs-two 00 ]
+ #01 ADD FAIL [ add-needs-two 00 ]
+ #01 #02 ADD #03 EQU PASS? [ add-result 00 ]
+ #01 #02 ADD #ff EQU PASS? [ this-test-fails 00 ]
- TEST #00 =Debug.exit
+ ,finish JMP2
- #01 =Debug.test_mode
- ,tests #0001 SUB2 =current-test
+ ,tests =test.code
+ ,strings-start ,print-string JSR2
- ~current-test
+ ,recover ~test.status JMP2?
+ #01 =test.status
+ ~test.code
+ DUP2 ,find-label JSR2
+ DUP2 =test.label
+ ,find-code JSR2 =test.code
+ JMP2
+@find-label ( ptr₂ -- following-label-ptr₂ )
+ DUP2 PEK2 LIT BRK2?r NEQ ^$next-minus-1 SWP JMP?
+ DUP2 #0001 ADD2 PEK2 LIT LITr NEQ ^$next-minus-1 SWP JMP?
+ DUP2 #0002 ADD2 PEK2 LIT EOR2? NEQ ^$next-minus-1 SWP JMP?
+ DUP2 #0003 ADD2 PEK2 LIT DUP? NEQ ^$next-minus-1 SWP JMP?
+ #0004 ADD2 $next-minus-1 JMP2r
- $search
+ ( next )
+ #0001 ADD2 ^find-label JMP
+@find-code ( label-ptr₂ -- following-code-ptr₂ )
+ ,$not-end ROT JMP2?
+ $end
#0001 ADD2
- DUP2 LDR LIT BRK2?r NEQ ,$search ROT JMP2?
- DUP2 #0001 ADD2 LDR LIT LITr NEQ ,$search ROT JMP2?
- DUP2 #0002 ADD2 LDR LIT EOR2? NEQ ,$search ROT JMP2?
- DUP2 #0003 ADD2 LDR LIT DUP? NEQ ,$search ROT JMP2?
- #0004 ADD2 DUP2 =current-test
- JMP2
+ JMP2r
+ $not-end
+ #0001 ADD2 ^find-code JMP
+ ( would it have been a PASS or FAIL? )
+ ,$clear ~test.label #000a SUB2 PEK2 LIT LIT EQU JMP2?
+ #02 ^result JMP
+ $clear
+ ( I would have executed a PASS or FAIL, so invert the result )
+ ~test.label #0009 SUB2 PEK2 #00 EQU ^result JMP
+ DUP #02 MUL #00 SWP ,counts ADD2
+ DUP2 LDR2 #0001 ADD2 SWP2 STR2
+ #00 =test.status
,strings-test ^print-string JSR
#00 SWP ,strings-pass ,strings-fail SUB2 MUL2 ,strings-fail ADD2 ^print-string JSR
- STH2r DUP2 ^print-short JSR
,strings-colon ^print-string JSR
- ^print-string JSR
+ ~test.label ^print-string JSR
#0a =Console.char
+ POP #fc JMP
+ ,strings-finish ^print-string JSR
+ ~counts.passed ^print-decimal JSR
+ ,strings-passed ^print-string JSR
+ ~counts.failed ^print-decimal JSR
+ ,strings-failed ^print-string JSR
+ ~counts.unknown ^print-decimal JSR
+ ,strings-unknown ^print-string JSR
+ ( stop executing tests )
@print-string ( string₂ -- )
,$not-end ROT JMP2?
@@ -65,6 +111,25 @@
#0001 ADD2 ^print-string JMP
+@print-decimal ( short₂ -- )
+ #00 =number.started
+ DUP2 #2710 DIV2 DUP2 ^$digit JSR #2710 MUL2 SUB2
+ DUP2 #03e8 DIV2 DUP2 ^$digit JSR #03e8 MUL2 SUB2
+ DUP2 #0064 DIV2 DUP2 ^$digit JSR #0064 MUL2 SUB2
+ DUP2 #000a DIV2 DUP2 ^$digit JSR #000a MUL2 SUB2
+ ^$digit JSR
+ ~number.started JMP2r?
+ #30 =Console.char
+ JMP2r
+ $digit
+ #02 OVR ~number.started ORA JMP?
+ #30 ADD =Console.char
+ #01 =number.started
+ JMP2r
@print-short ( short₂ -- )
#30 =Console.char
#78 =Console.char
@@ -82,10 +147,15 @@
+ $start [ 0a Testing 20 started. 0a 0a 00 ]
$test [ Test 20 00 ]
- $fail [ FAIL 20 at 20 00 ]
- $pass [ pass 20 at 20 00 ]
+ $fail [ FAIL 00 ]
+ $pass [ pass 00 ]
+ [ UNKNOWN 00 ]
+ $at [ at 20 00 ]
$colon [ : 20 00 ]
-;current-test { short 2 }
+ $finish [ 0a Testing 20 complete. 0a 00 ]
+ $passed [ 20 passed, 20 00 ]
+ $failed [ 20 failed, 20 00 ]
+ $unknown [ 20 were 20 unknown. 0a 00 ]
diff --git a/src/uxn.c b/src/uxn.c
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ void op_lts(Uxn *u) { Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, (S
void op_jmp(Uxn *u) { Uint8 a = pop8(u->src); u->ram.ptr += (Sint8)a; }
void op_jsr(Uxn *u) { Uint8 a = pop8(u->src); push16(u->dst, u->ram.ptr); u->ram.ptr += (Sint8)a; }
/* Memory */
-void op_pek(Uxn *u) { Uint16 a = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, mempeek8(u, a)); }
-void op_pok(Uxn *u) { Uint16 a = pop8(u->src); Uint8 b = pop8(u->src); mempoke8(u, a, b); }
+void op_pek(Uxn *u) { Uint8 a = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, mempeek8(u, a)); }
+void op_pok(Uxn *u) { Uint8 a = pop8(u->src); Uint8 b = pop8(u->src); mempoke8(u, a, b); }
void op_ldr(Uxn *u) { Uint8 a = pop8(u->src); push16(u->src, mempeek16(u, a)); }
void op_str(Uxn *u) { Uint8 a = pop8(u->src); Uint16 b = pop16(u->src); mempoke16(u, a, b); }
void op_cln(Uxn *u) { push8(u->src, peek8(u->dst, 0)); }