commit 737e6fd39b6a03c81002d867441f237b9c537be7
parent 527d6508e28ae3d6b259257aa4110cfd537f8b09
Author: neauoire <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 17:16:45 -0800
Migrated chord example
2 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 235 deletions(-)
diff --git a/examples/dev.chord.usm b/examples/dev.chord.usm
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-( mouse )
-:dev/r fff8 ( std read port )
-:dev/w fff9 ( std write port )
-&Point2d { x 2 y 2 }
-&Window2d { x1 2 y1 2 x2 2 y2 2 }
-;pos Point2d
-;mouse Point2d
-;scenter Point2d
-;win Window2d
-( drawing ) ;color 1 ;x1 2 ;x2 2 ;y1 2 ;y2 2 ;i 2
-;state 1
-|0100 @RESET
- #01 =dev/r ( read screen for size )
- #02 =dev/w ( write to screen )
- #08 =color
- ,paint-pattern JSR
- #01 =dev/w ( write to screen )
- #00 IOR2 #0002 DIV2 =scenter.x
- #02 IOR2 #0002 DIV2 =scenter.y
- ~scenter.x #0060 SUB2
- ~scenter.y #0018 SUB2
- ~scenter.x #0060 ADD2
- ~scenter.y #0018 ADD2 ,paint-window JSR
- #05 =dev/r ( set dev/read mouse )
- #02 =dev/w ( set dev/write to sprite )
- #09 =color
-|c000 @FRAME
- ( clear last cursor )
- #10 ,clear_icn ~mouse.x ~mouse.y ,draw-sprite JSR
- ( record mouse positions )
- #00 IOR2 =mouse.x
- #02 IOR2 =mouse.y
- #13 =state
- ( detect click )
- #04 IOR #11 NEQ ,no-click12 ROT JMP? POP2
- ,mouse12_text ~win.x1 #0018 ADD2 ~scenter.y #0008 SUB2 ,draw-label JSR
- ~color ,mouse12_icn ~win.x1 #0008 ADD2 ~scenter.y #0008 SUB2 ,draw-sprite JSR
- ,end-click JSR
- @no-click12
- #04 IOR #01 NEQ ,no-click1 ROT JMP? POP2
- ,mouse1_text ~win.x1 #0018 ADD2 ~scenter.y #0008 SUB2 ,draw-label JSR
- ~color ,mouse1_icn ~win.x1 #0008 ADD2 ~scenter.y #0008 SUB2 ,draw-sprite JSR
- ,end-click JSR
- @no-click1
- #04 IOR #10 NEQ ,no-click2 ROT JMP? POP2
- ,mouse2_text ~win.x1 #0018 ADD2 ~scenter.y #0008 SUB2 ,draw-label JSR
- ~color ,mouse2_icn ~win.x1 #0008 ADD2 ~scenter.y #0008 SUB2 ,draw-sprite JSR
- ,end-click JSR
- @no-click2
- ( default )
- #11 =state
- ,mouse0_text ~win.x1 #0018 ADD2 ~scenter.y #0008 SUB2 ,draw-label JSR
- ~color ,mouse0_icn ~win.x1 #0008 ADD2 ~scenter.y #0008 SUB2 ,draw-sprite JSR
- @end-click
- ( detect chord )
- #05 IOR #01 NEQ ,no-chord1 ROT JMP? POP2
- ,chord1_text ~win.x1 #0018 ADD2 ~scenter.y ,draw-label JSR
- ,end-chord JSR
- @no-chord1
- #05 IOR #10 NEQ ,no-chord2 ROT JMP? POP2
- ,chord2_text ~win.x1 #0018 ADD2 ~scenter.y ,draw-label JSR
- ,end-chord JSR
- @no-chord2
- ( default )
- ,chord0_text ~win.x1 #0018 ADD2 ~scenter.y ,draw-label JSR
- @end-chord
- ( draw mouse )
- ~state ,cursor_icn ~mouse.x ~mouse.y ,draw-sprite JSR
-@paint-pattern ( nil )
- #01 =dev/r ( read screen for size )
- #02 =dev/w ( write to sprite )
- #0000
- @paint-pattern-loop-hor
- #0000
- @paint-pattern-loop
- ( draw ) OVR2 IOW2 DUP2 IOW2 ,pattern IOW2 ~color IOW
- ( incr ) #0008 ADD2 DUP2
- #00 IOR2 LTH2 ,paint-pattern-loop ROT JMP? POP2
- POP2
- ( incr ) #0008 ADD2 DUP2
- #02 IOR2 LTH2 ,paint-pattern-loop-hor ROT JMP? POP2
- POP2
-@paint-window ( name wx1 wy1 wx2 wy2 )
- =win.y2 =win.x2 =win.y1 =win.x1
- ( Draw shadow )
- #01 =color
- ~win.x2 ~win.y1 #0003 ADD2 ~win.x2 #0003 ADD2 ~win.y2 #0003 ADD2 ,fill-rect JSR
- ~win.x1 #0003 ADD2 ~win.y2 ~win.x2 #0003 ADD2 ~win.y2 #0003 ADD2 ,fill-rect JSR
- ( Fill background )
- #02 =color
- ~win.x1 ~win.y1 ~win.x2 ~win.y2 ,fill-rect JSR
- ( draw outline )
- #01 =color
- ~win.x1 ~win.y1 ~win.x2 ~win.y2 ,line-rect JSR
- #01 =color
- ~win.x1 #0002 ADD2 ~win.y1 #0002 ADD2 ~win.x2 #0002 SUB2 ~win.y2 #0002 SUB2 ,line-rect JSR
-@draw-label ( text x1 y1 )
- =pos.y =pos.x
- @draw-label-loop
- ( draw ) ~pos.x ~pos.y IOW2 IOW2 DUP2 LDR #00 SWP #0008 MUL2 ,font ADD2 IOW2 ~color IOW
- ( incr ) #0001 ADD2
- ( incr ) ~pos.x #0008 ADD2 =pos.x
- DUP2 LDR #00 NEQ ,draw-label-loop ROT JMP? POP2
- POP2
-@fill-rect ( x1 y1 x2 y2 )
- =y2 =x2 ( stash x1 y1 ) =y1 DUP2 WSR2 =x1
- @fill-rect-ver
- RSW2 DUP2 =x1 WSR2
- @fill-rect-hor
- ( draw ) ~x1 ~y1 IOW2 IOW2 ~color IOW
- ( incr ) ~x1 #0001 ADD2 DUP2 =x1
- ~x2 LTH2 ,fill-rect-hor ROT JMP? POP2
- ~y1 #0001 ADD2 DUP2 =y1
- ~y2 LTH2 ,fill-rect-ver ROT JMP? POP2
-@line-rect ( x1 y1 x2 y2 )
- =y2 =x2 ( stash x1 y1 ) DUP2 WSR2 =y1 DUP2 WSR2 =x1
- @line-rect-hor
- ( draw ) ~x1 ~y1 IOW2 IOW2 ~color IOW
- ( draw ) ~x1 ~y2 IOW2 IOW2 ~color IOW
- ( incr ) ~x1 #0001 ADD2 DUP2 =x1
- ~x2 #0001 ADD2 LTH2 ,line-rect-hor ROT JMP? POP2
- ( restore x1 y1 ) RSW2 =x1 RSW2 =y1
- @line-rect-ver
- ( incr ) ~y1 #0001 ADD2 DUP2 =y1
- ( draw ) ~x1 ~y1 IOW2 IOW2 ~color IOW
- ( draw ) ~x2 ~y1 IOW2 IOW2 ~color IOW
- ~y2 #0001 SUB2 LTH2 ,line-rect-ver ROT JMP? POP2
- IOW2 ( y byte )
- IOW2 ( x byte )
- IOW2 ( sprite address )
- IOW ( layer-color )
-@pattern [ 0814 2241 8041 2214 ]
-@clear_icn [ 0000 0000 0000 0000 ]
-@cursor_icn [ 80c0 e0f0 f8e0 1000 ]
-@mouse0_icn [ 7c82 92ee 8282 4438 ]
-@mouse1_icn [ 7cf2 f2ee 8282 4438 ]
-@mouse2_icn [ 7c9e 9eee 8282 4438 ]
-@mouse12_icn [ 7cfe feee 8282 4438 ]
-@font ( spectrum-zx font )
- 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 2400 7e3c 0000 0000 2400 3c42 0000 0000 6c7c 7c38 1000
- 0010 387c 7c38 1000 0038 387c 6c10 3800 0010 387c 7c10 3800 0000 0018 1800 0000
- 007e 4242 4242 7e00 0000 1824 2418 0000 0018 2442 4224 1800 001e 063a 4a48 3000
- 0038 446c 107c 1000 000c 0808 0838 3800 003e 2222 2266 6600 0000 0822 0022 0800
- 0000 1018 1c18 1000 0000 0818 3818 0800 0008 1c00 001c 0800 0028 2828 2800 2800
- 003e 4a4a 3a0a 0a00 000c 3046 620c 3000 0000 0000 0000 ffff 0010 3800 3810 0038
- 0008 1c2a 0808 0800 0008 0808 2a1c 0800 0000 0804 7e04 0800 0000 1020 7e20 1000
- 0000 4040 7e00 0000 0000 0024 6624 0000 0000 1038 7c00 0000 0000 007c 3810 0000
- 0000 0000 0000 0000 0008 0808 0800 0800 0014 1400 0000 0000 0024 7e24 247e 2400
- 0008 1e28 1c0a 3c08 0042 0408 1020 4200 0030 4832 4c44 3a00 0008 1000 0000 0000
- 0004 0808 0808 0400 0010 0808 0808 1000 0000 1408 3e08 1400 0000 0808 3e08 0800
- 0000 0000 0008 0810 0000 0000 3c00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0800 0000 0204 0810 2000
- 003c 464a 5262 3c00 0018 2808 0808 3e00 003c 4202 3c40 7e00 003c 421c 0242 3c00
- 0008 1828 487e 0800 007e 407c 0242 3c00 003c 407c 4242 3c00 007e 0204 0810 1000
- 003c 423c 4242 3c00 003c 4242 3e02 3c00 0000 0008 0000 0800 0000 0800 0008 0810
- 0000 0810 2010 0800 0000 003e 003e 0000 0000 1008 0408 1000 003c 4202 0c00 0800
- 003c 425a 5442 3c00 0018 2442 7e42 4200 007c 427c 4242 7c00 003c 4240 4042 3c00
- 0078 4442 4244 7800 007e 407c 4040 7e00 003e 4040 7c40 4000 003c 4240 4e42 3c00
- 0042 427e 4242 4200 003e 0808 0808 3e00 0002 0202 4242 3c00 0044 4870 4844 4200
- 0040 4040 4040 7e00 0042 665a 4242 4200 0042 6252 4a46 4200 003c 4242 4242 3c00
- 007c 4242 7c40 4000 003c 4242 524a 3c00 007c 4242 7c44 4200 003c 403c 0242 3c00
- 00fe 1010 1010 1000 0042 4242 4242 3c00 0042 4242 4224 1800 0042 4242 5a66 4200
- 0042 2418 1824 4200 0082 4428 1010 1000 007e 0408 1020 7e00 000c 0808 0808 0c00
- 0040 2010 0804 0200 0018 0808 0808 1800 0008 1422 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 7e00
- 0008 0400 0000 0000 0000 1c02 1e22 1e00 0020 203c 2222 3c00 0000 1e20 2020 1e00
- 0002 021e 2222 1e00 0000 1c22 3c20 1e00 000c 101c 1010 1000 0000 1c22 221e 021c
- 0020 202c 3222 2200 0008 0018 0808 0400 0008 0008 0808 4830 0020 2428 3028 2400
- 0010 1010 1010 0c00 0000 6854 5454 5400 0000 5864 4444 4400 0000 3844 4444 3800
- 0000 7844 4478 4040 0000 3c44 443c 0406 0000 2c30 2020 2000 0000 3840 3804 7800
- 0010 103c 1010 0c00 0000 4444 4444 3800 0000 4444 2828 1000 0000 4454 5454 2800
- 0000 4428 1028 4400 0000 4444 443c 0438 0000 7c08 1020 7c00 000c 0810 1008 0c00
- 0008 0808 0808 0800 0030 1008 0810 3000 0000 0032 4c00 0000 3c42 99a1 a199 423c
-@chord0_text [ no chord ] <1 .00
-@chord1_text [ chord 1_ ] <1 .00
-@chord2_text [ chord _2 ] <1 .00
-@mouse0_text [ no click ] <1 .00
-@mouse1_text [ mouse 1_ ] <1 .00
-@mouse2_text [ mouse _2 ] <1 .00
-@mouse12_text [ mouse 12 ] <1 .00
-|d000 @ERROR BRK
-|FFF0 [ f0ff 20df 40bf ] ( palette )
diff --git a/examples/dev.mouse.usm b/examples/dev.mouse.usm
@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@
&Point2d { x 2 y 2 }
-;cat Point2d ;mouse Point2d
+;cat Point2d
+;mouse Point2d
+;pos Point2d
+;color 1
;timer 1
|0100 @RESET
@@ -15,6 +17,7 @@
( position cat )
~dev/screen.width #0002 DIV2 =cat.x
~dev/screen.height #0038 SUB2 =cat.y
+ #01 =color
( draw polycat )
,draw-polycat JSR
@@ -26,12 +29,36 @@ BRK
#10 ,clear_icn ~mouse.x ~mouse.y ,draw-sprite JSR
( record mouse positions )
~dev/mouse.x =mouse.x ~dev/mouse.y =mouse.y
- ( detect click )
+ ( reset timer -> move cat tail )
~dev/mouse.state #01 NEQ ,no-click ROT JMP? POP2
#50 =timer
- ( draw mouse )
- ~dev/mouse.state #11 ADD ,cursor_icn ~mouse.x ~mouse.y ,draw-sprite JSR
+ ( detect click )
+ ~dev/mouse.state #11 NEQ ,no-click12 ROT JMP? POP2
+ ,mouse12_text #0058 #0040 ,draw-label JSR
+ #10 ,cursor_icn ~mouse.x ~mouse.y ,draw-sprite JSR
+ ~color ,mouse12_icn #0048 #0040 ,draw-sprite JSR
+ ,end-click JMP
+ @no-click12
+ ~dev/mouse.state #01 NEQ ,no-click1 ROT JMP? POP2
+ ,mouse1_text #0058 #0040 ,draw-label JSR
+ #12 ,cursor_icn ~mouse.x ~mouse.y ,draw-sprite JSR
+ ~color ,mouse1_icn #0048 #0040 ,draw-sprite JSR
+ ,end-click JMP
+ @no-click1
+ ~dev/mouse.state #10 NEQ ,no-click2 ROT JMP? POP2
+ ,mouse2_text #0058 #0040 ,draw-label JSR
+ #13 ,cursor_icn ~mouse.x ~mouse.y ,draw-sprite JSR
+ ~color ,mouse2_icn #0048 #0040 ,draw-sprite JSR
+ ,end-click JMP
+ @no-click2
+ ( default )
+ ,mouse0_text #0058 #0040 ,draw-label JSR
+ ~color ,mouse0_icn #0048 #0040 ,draw-sprite JSR
+ #11 ,cursor_icn ~mouse.x ~mouse.y ,draw-sprite JSR
+ @end-click
( animate )
,animate-polycat JSR
( update last pos )
@@ -90,6 +117,16 @@ RTS
+@draw-label ( text x1 y1 )
+ =pos.y =pos.x
+ @draw-label-loop
+ ( draw ) ~pos.x ~pos.y =dev/sprite.y =dev/sprite.x DUP2 LDR #00 SWP #0008 MUL2 ,font ADD2 =dev/sprite.addr ~color =dev/sprite.color
+ ( incr ) #0001 ADD2
+ ( incr ) ~pos.x #0008 ADD2 =pos.x
+ DUP2 LDR #00 NEQ ,draw-label-loop ROT JMP? POP2
+ POP2
@@ -124,6 +161,56 @@ RTS
c0f0 f0e0 e080 8000 c0f1 faf9 fef8 b000
+@mouse0_icn [ 7c82 92ee 8282 4438 ]
+@mouse1_icn [ 7cf2 f2ee 8282 4438 ]
+@mouse2_icn [ 7c9e 9eee 8282 4438 ]
+@mouse12_icn [ 7cfe feee 8282 4438 ]
+@font ( spectrum-zx font )
+ 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 2400 7e3c 0000 0000 2400 3c42 0000 0000 6c7c 7c38 1000
+ 0010 387c 7c38 1000 0038 387c 6c10 3800 0010 387c 7c10 3800 0000 0018 1800 0000
+ 007e 4242 4242 7e00 0000 1824 2418 0000 0018 2442 4224 1800 001e 063a 4a48 3000
+ 0038 446c 107c 1000 000c 0808 0838 3800 003e 2222 2266 6600 0000 0822 0022 0800
+ 0000 1018 1c18 1000 0000 0818 3818 0800 0008 1c00 001c 0800 0028 2828 2800 2800
+ 003e 4a4a 3a0a 0a00 000c 3046 620c 3000 0000 0000 0000 ffff 0010 3800 3810 0038
+ 0008 1c2a 0808 0800 0008 0808 2a1c 0800 0000 0804 7e04 0800 0000 1020 7e20 1000
+ 0000 4040 7e00 0000 0000 0024 6624 0000 0000 1038 7c00 0000 0000 007c 3810 0000
+ 0000 0000 0000 0000 0008 0808 0800 0800 0014 1400 0000 0000 0024 7e24 247e 2400
+ 0008 1e28 1c0a 3c08 0042 0408 1020 4200 0030 4832 4c44 3a00 0008 1000 0000 0000
+ 0004 0808 0808 0400 0010 0808 0808 1000 0000 1408 3e08 1400 0000 0808 3e08 0800
+ 0000 0000 0008 0810 0000 0000 3c00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0800 0000 0204 0810 2000
+ 003c 464a 5262 3c00 0018 2808 0808 3e00 003c 4202 3c40 7e00 003c 421c 0242 3c00
+ 0008 1828 487e 0800 007e 407c 0242 3c00 003c 407c 4242 3c00 007e 0204 0810 1000
+ 003c 423c 4242 3c00 003c 4242 3e02 3c00 0000 0008 0000 0800 0000 0800 0008 0810
+ 0000 0810 2010 0800 0000 003e 003e 0000 0000 1008 0408 1000 003c 4202 0c00 0800
+ 003c 425a 5442 3c00 0018 2442 7e42 4200 007c 427c 4242 7c00 003c 4240 4042 3c00
+ 0078 4442 4244 7800 007e 407c 4040 7e00 003e 4040 7c40 4000 003c 4240 4e42 3c00
+ 0042 427e 4242 4200 003e 0808 0808 3e00 0002 0202 4242 3c00 0044 4870 4844 4200
+ 0040 4040 4040 7e00 0042 665a 4242 4200 0042 6252 4a46 4200 003c 4242 4242 3c00
+ 007c 4242 7c40 4000 003c 4242 524a 3c00 007c 4242 7c44 4200 003c 403c 0242 3c00
+ 00fe 1010 1010 1000 0042 4242 4242 3c00 0042 4242 4224 1800 0042 4242 5a66 4200
+ 0042 2418 1824 4200 0082 4428 1010 1000 007e 0408 1020 7e00 000c 0808 0808 0c00
+ 0040 2010 0804 0200 0018 0808 0808 1800 0008 1422 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 7e00
+ 0008 0400 0000 0000 0000 1c02 1e22 1e00 0020 203c 2222 3c00 0000 1e20 2020 1e00
+ 0002 021e 2222 1e00 0000 1c22 3c20 1e00 000c 101c 1010 1000 0000 1c22 221e 021c
+ 0020 202c 3222 2200 0008 0018 0808 0400 0008 0008 0808 4830 0020 2428 3028 2400
+ 0010 1010 1010 0c00 0000 6854 5454 5400 0000 5864 4444 4400 0000 3844 4444 3800
+ 0000 7844 4478 4040 0000 3c44 443c 0406 0000 2c30 2020 2000 0000 3840 3804 7800
+ 0010 103c 1010 0c00 0000 4444 4444 3800 0000 4444 2828 1000 0000 4454 5454 2800
+ 0000 4428 1028 4400 0000 4444 443c 0438 0000 7c08 1020 7c00 000c 0810 1008 0c00
+ 0008 0808 0808 0800 0030 1008 0810 3000 0000 0032 4c00 0000 3c42 99a1 a199 423c
+@chord0_text [ no chord ] <1 .00
+@chord1_text [ chord 1_ ] <1 .00
+@chord2_text [ chord _2 ] <1 .00
+@mouse0_text [ no click ] <1 .00
+@mouse1_text [ mouse 1_ ] <1 .00
+@mouse2_text [ mouse _2 ] <1 .00
+@mouse12_text [ mouse 12 ] <1 .00
|FF10 ;dev/screen Screen
|FF20 ;dev/sprite Sprite
|FF50 ;dev/mouse Mouse