commit 19a06cfd17c4273069e187170a073fbd33b882a1
parent 3dbdb1922533e108648552e39f0d62352153d619
Author: Devine Lu Linvega <>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 11:43:21 -0700
Starting to report unused macros
1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/uxnasm.c b/src/uxnasm.c
+/* clang-format off */
#define PAGE 0x0100
+enum Type { LABEL, REF, MACRO };
typedef unsigned char Uint8;
typedef signed char Sint8;
typedef unsigned short Uint16;
typedef struct {
+ enum Type type;
char *name, rune, *content;
Uint16 addr, refs;
} Item;
typedef struct {
int line;
char *path;
} Context;
+static Item items[0x4000];
+static int items_len;
static int ptr, length;
static char token[0x40], scope[0x40], sublabel[0x80], lambda[0x05];
static char dict[0x4000], *dictnext = dict;
static Uint8 data[0x10000], lambda_stack[0x100], lambda_ptr, lambda_len;
-static Uint16 label_len, refs_len, macro_len;
-static Item labels[0x400], refs[0x1000], macros[0x100];
-/* clang-format off */
+static Uint16 refs_len, macro_len;
+static Item refs[0x1000], macros[0x100];
static char *runes = "|$@&,_.-;=!?#\"%~";
static char *hexad = "0123456789abcdef";
@@ -52,13 +54,13 @@ static int scmp(char *a, char *b, int len) { int i = 0; while(a[i] == b[i]) if
static int slen(char *s) { int i = 0; while(s[i]) i++; return i; } /* str length */
static char *scpy(char *src, char *dst, int len) { int i = 0; while((dst[i] = src[i]) && i < len - 2) i++; dst[i + 1] = '\0'; return dst; } /* str copy */
static char *scat(char *dst, char *src) { char *o = dst + slen(dst); while(*src) *o++ = *src++; *o = '\0'; return dst; } /* str concat */
-static char *save(char *s, char c) { char *o = dictnext; while((*dictnext++ = *s++) && *s); *dictnext++ = c; return o; }
+static char *save(char *s, char c) { char *o = dictnext; while((*dictnext++ = *s++) && *s); *dictnext++ = c; return o; } /* save to dict */
#define isopcode(x) (findopcode(x) || scmp(x, "BRK", 4))
#define isinvalid(x) (!slen(x) || sihx(x) || isopcode(x) || cndx(runes, x[0]) >= 0)
#define writeshort(x) (writebyte(x >> 8, ctx) && writebyte(x & 0xff, ctx))
#define makesublabel(x) push(scat(scat(scpy(scope, sublabel, 0x40), "/"), x), 0)
-#define findlabel(x) finditem(x, labels, label_len)
+#define findlabel(x) finditem(x, items, items_len)
#define findmacro(x) finditem(x, macros, macro_len)
#define error_top(name, msg) !fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", name, msg)
#define error_asm(name) !fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s in @%s, %s:%d.\n", name, token, scope, ctx->path, ctx->line)
@@ -71,7 +73,6 @@ static char *
push(char *s, char c)
char *d = dict;
- /* find */
for(d = dict; d < dictnext; d++) {
char *ss = s, *dd = d, a, b;
while((a = *dd++) == (b = *ss++))
@@ -192,13 +193,14 @@ makelabel(char *name, int setscope, Context *ctx)
Item *l;
if(name[0] == '&')
name = makesublabel(name + 1);
- if(label_len == 0x400) return error_asm("Labels limit exceeded");
+ if(items_len == 0x400) return error_asm("Labels limit exceeded");
if(isinvalid(name)) return error_asm("Label is invalid");
if(findlabel(name)) return error_asm("Label is duplicate");
- l = &labels[label_len++];
+ l = &items[items_len++];
l->name = push(name, 0);
l->addr = ptr;
l->refs = 0;
+ l->type = LABEL;
if(setscope) {
int i = 0;
while(name[i] != '/' && i < 0x3e && (scope[i] = name[i]))
@@ -384,26 +386,28 @@ build(char *rompath)
/* rom */
if(!(dst = fopen(rompath, "wb")))
return !error_top("Invalid output file", rompath);
- for(i = 0; i < label_len; i++)
- if(labels[i].name[0] - 'A' > 25 && !labels[i].refs)
- fprintf(stdout, "-- Unused label: %s\n", labels[i].name);
+ for(i = 0; i < items_len; i++)
+ if(items[i].type == LABEL && items[i].name[0] - 'A' > 25 && !items[i].refs)
+ fprintf(stdout, "-- Unused label: %s\n", items[i].name);
+ else if(items[i].type == MACRO && items[i].name[0] - 'A' > 25 && !items[i].refs)
+ fprintf(stdout, "-- Unused macro: %s\n", items[i].name);
fwrite(data + PAGE, length - PAGE, 1, dst);
"Assembled %s in %d bytes(%.2f%% used), %d labels, %d macros.\n",
length - PAGE,
(length - PAGE) / 652.80,
- label_len,
+ items_len,
/* sym */
sympath = dictnext, save(rompath, '.'), save("sym", 0);
if(!(dstsym = fopen(sympath, "w")))
return !error_top("Invalid symbols file", sympath);
- for(i = 0; i < label_len; i++) {
- Uint8 hb = labels[i].addr >> 8, lb = labels[i].addr;
+ for(i = 0; i < items_len; i++) {
+ Uint8 hb = items[i].addr >> 8, lb = items[i].addr;
fwrite(&hb, 1, 1, dstsym);
fwrite(&lb, 1, 1, dstsym);
- fwrite(labels[i].name, slen(labels[i].name) + 1, 1, dstsym);
+ fwrite(items[i].name, slen(items[i].name) + 1, 1, dstsym);
fclose(dst), fclose(dstsym);
return 1;