commit c858ad82b888c55529d15e2d8c1c1acb66b57c74
parent 51c38bc9ecc4eb7932234c0e58547f0caecbb664
Author: eamoncaddigan <>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2016 16:48:09 -0500
Working(ish) code.
M | R/patternapply.R | | | 75 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- |
1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/R/patternapply.R b/R/patternapply.R
@@ -1,37 +1,70 @@
#' Iteratively try patterns against a character vector.
#' @param X A character vector where matches are sought.
#' @param patterns A vector of regular expression patterns.
-#' @param replacements A vector of replacement information, must match the
-#' length of \code(patterns). This can either be a character vector or list of
-#' character vectors. This can include backreferences "\1" to "\9" to
-#' parenthesized subexpressions of the corresponding pattern.
-#' @return A vector of replacements. Matches the format of \code(replacements).
+#' @param replacements A list of replacement information, must match the length
+#' of \code(patterns). Each element must be a character vector. This can
+#' include backreferences "\1" to "\9" to parenthesized subexpressions of the
+#' corresponding pattern.
+#' @return A list of replacement vectors with class "replacement_list".
patternapply <- function(X, patterns,
- replacements = paste(seq_along(patterns))) {
+ replacements = list(paste(seq_along(patterns)))) {
# Keep track of which records have already been matched to a pattern.
- matchFalses <- rep(FALSE, length(X))
- matchedAlready <- matchFalses
+ matchIndex <- rep(NA_integer_, length(X))
- for (pattern in patterns) {
- # Match the pattern to the
- matchedIndices <- regexec(pattern, X[!matchedAlready])
+ # This will contain a replacement vector for each element in X.
+ replacementList <- list()
+ for (i in seq_along(patterns)) {
+ # Match the pattern to the record, omitting items already matched.
+ matchData <- regexec(patterns[i], X[])
# Find all the places where matches occurred.
- matches <- vapply(matchedIndices, `[`, integer(1), 1) != -1
- matchedStrings <- regmatches(X, matchedIndices)
+ matches <- vapply(matchData, `[`, integer(1), 1) != -1
+ numMatches <- sum(matches)
# Where are new matches?
- matchedHere <- matchFalses
- matchedHere[!matchedAlready] <- vapply(matchedIndices, `[`, integer(1), 1) != -1
+ matchedHere <- rep(FALSE, length(X))
+ matchedHere[] <- matches
+ # Figure out which of the replacements are backreferences (and not just
+ # strings).
+ indexReplacements <- vapply(regmatches(replacements[[i]],
+ regexec("^\\\\([1-9])$",
+ replacements[[i]])),
+ function(x) as.integer(x[2]),
+ integer(1))
+ stringReplacements <- replacements[[i]]
+ stringReplacements[!] <- NA
+ # Grab the matched groups
+ matchedStrings <- regmatches(X[matchedHere], matchData[matches])
+ # Create a replacement matrix. Each column is the replacement vector for a
+ # record.
+ backreferenceMatrix <- vapply(matchedStrings, `[`,
+ character(length(indexReplacements)),
+ indexReplacements+1)
+ replacementMatrix <- matrix(rep(stringReplacements, numMatches),
+ ncol = numMatches)
+ replacementMatrix[] <- backreferenceMatrix[]
# Fill in the data for the new matches.
- artists[matchedHere, commonCols] <- bioData[bioData$is_match, commonCols]
+ replacementList[matchedHere] <- lapply(seq_len(numMatches),
+ function(i) replacementMatrix[, i])
- # Update the list of matched rows.
- matchedAlready <- matchedAlready | matchedHere
+ # Update the indices of the matches
+ matchIndex[matchedHere] <- i
+ # Using col_names to hopefully support named vectors in the future.
+ maxReplacements <- max(vapply(replacements, length, integer(1)))
+ attr(replacementList, "col_names") <- paste0("match_", seq_len(maxReplacements))
+ # This will probably be useful for people.
+ attr(replacementList, "match_index") <- matchIndex
+ return(replacementList)