commit b7a63f14777d2dfc32bf786b14f1544106dd49a8
parent 90a0d5a5400400f9bdf6040e6bca9d1c2fffffb6
Author: eamoncaddigan <>
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2016 16:29:40 -0400
Changing hysteresis thresholding with dual magnitude/derivative approach
1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
diff --git a/R/identifyManeuvers.R b/R/identifyManeuvers.R
@@ -81,40 +81,34 @@ identifySpeedChanges <- function(trajectory, loThresh, hiThresh = NA) {
-#' Helper function for hysteresis thresholding: if a group of neighboring
-#' segments are all above the low threshold and neighbor a segment above the
-#' high threshold, they're "above threshold".
-hysteresisThresh <- function(x, lo, hi = NA) {
- # Reduces to simple thresholding when a hi threshold isn't specified
- if ( {
- hi = lo
- }
+#' Helper function for identifying changes based on change magnitude and change
+#' slope.
+identifyChanges <- function(x, dx, xThresh, dxThresh) {
+ # First apply the threshold to the derivative (w.r.t. time) to identify
+ # periods that may contain valid changes.
+ aboveThresh <- abs(dx) > dxThresh
+ aboveThresh[] <- FALSE
- aboveThresh <- abs(x) > hi
- ## Having trouble with thresholding for this analysis. Giving up for now. I
- ## apologize to all of the user of this package.
- # x <- abs(x)
- #
- # # Find the beginning and end of all the regions above the low threshold
- # threshEdges <- diff(c(FALSE, x > lo, FALSE))
- # regionStart <- which(threshEdges > 0)
- # regionEnd <- which(threshEdges < 0) - 1
- #
- # # If the sequence ends with a low-threshold region, make sure to capture the
- # # endpoint.
- # if (length(regionEnd) < length(regionStart)) {
- # regionEnd[length(regionStart)] <- length(x)
- # }
- #
- # # For each region, set to TRUE iff anything inside is above the high threshold
- # aboveThresh <- rep(FALSE, length(x))
- # for (i in seq_along(regionStart)) {
- # if (any(x[regionStart[i]:regionEnd[i]] > hi)) {
- # aboveThresh[regionStart[i]:regionEnd[i]] <- TRUE
- # }
- # }
+ # Find the point before and after each of the change periods
+ threshEdges <- diff(c(FALSE, aboveThresh, FALSE))
+ regionStart <- which(threshEdges > 0) - 1
+ regionEnd <- which(threshEdges < 0)
+ # Deal with regions that start or end at the ends of the vector
+ regionStart[1] <- max(regionStart[1], 1)
+ regionEnd[length(regionEnd)] <- min(regionEnd[length(regionEnd)],
+ length(dx))
+ # Find the magnitude of the change in each region
+ changeMagnitude <- x[regionEnd] - x[regionStart]
+ # Censor the changes that aren't above the threshold
+ censorChanges <- which(abs(changeMagnitude) < xThresh)
+ # Loop through the changes and censor them
+ for (i in seq_along(censorChanges)) {
+ aboveThresh[regionStart[i]:regionEnd[i]] <- FALSE
+ }