commit 20078c3be43668ed43f5432e9ca5f0b2c386224f
parent 8bc210929d3bbfd7ed15b6c7deee964be72b4bdc
Author: Randy Au <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 12:18:48 -0400
Add onionring code
4 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/onionring-index.js b/onionring-index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// onionring.js is made up of four files - onionring-widget.js, onionring-index.js (this one!), onionring-variables.js, and onionring.css
+// it's licensed under the cooperative non-violent license (CNPL) v4+ (
+// it was originally made by joey + mord of allium (蒜) house, last updated 2020-11-24
+//this file builds the list of sites in the ring for displaying on your index page
+var tag = document.getElementById('index');
+regex = /^https:\/\/|\/$/g; //strips the https:// and trailing slash off the urls for aesthetic purposes
+list = "";
+for (i = 0; i < sites.length; i++) {
+ list += `<li><a href='${sites[i]}'>${sites[i].replace(regex, "")}</a></li>`;
+tag.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `
diff --git a/onionring-variables.js b/onionring-variables.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// onionring.js is made up of four files - onionring-widget.js, onionring-index.js, onionring-variables.js (this one!), and onionring.css
+// it's licensed under the cooperative non-violent license (CNPL) v4+ (
+// it was originally made by joey + mord of allium (蒜) house, last updated 2020-11-24
+//this file contains the stuff you edit to set up your specific webring
+//the full URLs of all the sites in the ring
+var sites = [
+//the name of the ring
+var ringName = 'My Ring';
+/* the unique ID of the widget. two things to note:
+ 1) make sure there are no spaces in it - use dashes or underscores if you must
+ 2) remember to change 'webringid' in the widget code you give out and all instances of '#webringid' in the css file to match this value!*/
+var ringID = 'my-ring';
+//should the widget include a link to an index page?
+var useIndex = false;
+//the full URL of the index page. if you're not using one, you don't have to specify anything here
+var indexPage = '';
+//should the widget include a random button?
+var useRandom = true;
diff --git a/onionring-widget.js b/onionring-widget.js
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// onionring.js is made up of four files - onionring-widget.js (this one!), onionring-index.js, onionring-variables.js and onionring.css
+// it's licensed under the cooperative non-violent license (CNPL) v4+ (
+// it was originally made by joey + mord of allium (蒜) house, last updated 2020-11-24
+//this file contains the code which builds the widget shown on each page in the ring. ctrl+f 'EDIT THIS' if you're looking to change the actual html of the widget
+var tag = document.getElementById(ringID); //find the widget on the page
+thisSite = window.location.href; //get the url of the site we're currently on
+thisIndex = null;
+// go through the site list to see if this site is on it and find its position
+for (i = 0; i < sites.length; i++) {
+ if (thisSite.startsWith(sites[i])) { //we use startswith so this will match any subdirectory, users can put the widget on multiple pages
+ thisIndex = i;
+ break; //when we've found the site, we don't need to search any more, so stop the loop
+ }
+function randomSite() {
+ otherSites = sites.slice(); //create a copy of the sites list
+ otherSites.splice(thisIndex, 1); //remove the current site so we don't just land on it again
+ randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * otherSites.length);
+ location.href = otherSites[randomIndex];
+//if we didn't find the site in the list, the widget displays a warning instead
+if (thisIndex == null) {
+ tag.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `
+ <tr>
+ <td>This site isn't part of the ${ringName} webring yet. You should talk to the manager to have your site added to the list!</td>
+ </tr>
+ `);
+else {
+ //find the 'next' and 'previous' sites in the ring. this code looks complex
+ //because it's using a shorthand version of an if-else statement to make sure
+ //the first and last sites in the ring join together correctly
+ previousIndex = (thisIndex-1 < 0) ? sites.length-1 : thisIndex-1;
+ nextIndex = (thisIndex+1 >= sites.length) ? 0 : thisIndex+1;
+ indexText = ""
+ //if you've chosen to include an index, this builds the link to that
+ if (useIndex) {
+ indexText = `<a href='${indexPage}'>index</a> | `;
+ }
+ randomText = ""
+ //if you've chosen to include a random button, this builds the link that does that
+ if (useRandom) {
+ randomText = `<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='randomSite()'>random</a> | `;
+ }
+ //this is the code that displays the widget - EDIT THIS if you want to change the structure
+ tag.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td class='webring-prev'><a href='${sites[previousIndex]}'>← previous</a></td>
+ <td class='webring-info'>This site is part of the ${ringName} webring</br>
+ <span class='webring-links'>
+ ${randomText}
+ ${indexText}
+ <a href=''>what is this?</a></span></td>
+ <td class='webring-next'><a href='${sites[nextIndex]}'>next →</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ `);
diff --git a/onionring.css b/onionring.css
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* onionring.js is made up of four files - onionring-widget.js, onionring-index.js, onionring-variables.js and onionring.css (this one!)
+// it's licensed under the cooperative non-violent license (CNPL) v4+ (
+// it was originally made by joey + mord of allium (蒜) house, last updated 2020-10-24 */
+/* === ONIONRING.CSS === */
+/* this file affects the style of the widget. remember to replace all instances of #webringid with whatever value you have for ringID in the onionring-widget.js file. make sure it still has the # at the front, though! probably easiest to use find+replace to do it */
+#webringid {
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ padding: 15px; /* creates some space around the widget */
+#webringid table {
+ background-color: #ffffff; /* makes the background pure white */
+ margin: 0 auto; /* centers the widget */
+#webringid table tr td {
+ padding: 15px; /* creates some space between the links and text inside the widget */
+#webringid .webring-prev {
+ text-align:right;
+#webringid .webring-info {
+ text-align:center;
+#webringid .webring-next {
+ text-align:left;
+#webringid .webring-links {
+ font-size:small;