commit 8f681fb2165e1fd237ace7e409f9568df8743d26
parent e84bc5e9a5170ef97a6bf40ce5b1ef0853228cd6
Author: eamoncaddigan <>
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2015 21:39:41 -0400
ggplot2 code for PPCs.
A | ggPostPlot.R | | | 66 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ggPostPlot.R b/ggPostPlot.R
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# ggplot2-based plots for some of the things
+ggPosteriorPredictive <- function(modelData, codaObject,
+ x1Level, x2Level = NA, x3Level = NA) {
+ mcmcMat <- as.matrix(codaObject)
+ # Separate the observed counts for the given levels
+ # XXX - hard-coded factor names because laziness
+ cellData <- filter(modelData, as.numeric(as.factor(question)) == x1Level)
+ if (! {
+ cellData <- filter(cellData, as.numeric(as.factor(intervention)) == x2Level)
+ }
+ if (! {
+ cellData <- filter(cellData, as.numeric(as.factor(interval)) == x3Level)
+ }
+ y <- cellData[["response"]]
+ # Find the mean, standard deviation, and thresholds
+ mu <- mcmcMat[, "b0"] + mcmcMat[, paste0("b1[", x1Level, "]")]
+ if (! {
+ mu <- mu + mcmcMat[, paste0("b2[", x2Level, "]")] +
+ mcmcMat[, paste0("b1b2[", x1Level, ",", x2Level, "]")]
+ }
+ if (! {
+ mu <- mu + mcmcMat[, paste0("b3[", x3Level, "]")] +
+ mcmcMat[, paste0("b1b3[", x1Level, ",", x3Level, "]")]
+ if (! {
+ mu <- mu + mcmcMat[, paste0("b1b2b3[", x1Level, ",", x2Level, ",", x3Level, "]")]
+ }
+ }
+ sigma <- mcmcMat[, paste0("sigma[", x1Level, "]")]
+ # Find the HDI and mean of the posterior probabilities of each of the y levels
+ # (Stolen from Kruschke)
+ chainLength <- nrow(mcmcMat)
+ outProb <- matrix(0, nrow=chainLength, ncol=max(y))
+ for (stepIdx in 1:chainLength) {
+ threshCumProb <- pnorm((mcmcMat[stepIdx,
+ paste0("thresh[", x1Level, ",",1:(max(y)-1),"]")]
+ - mu[stepIdx]) / sigma[stepIdx])
+ outProb[stepIdx,] <- c(threshCumProb, 1) - c(0, threshCumProb)
+ }
+ outHdi <- apply(outProb, 2, HDIofMCMC)
+ outMean <- apply(outProb, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
+ # Create the plot
+ plotData <- cellData %>%
+ count(response) %>%
+ left_join(data_frame(response = 1:max(y)), ., by = "response")
+ plotData <- plotData %>%
+ mutate(n = ifelse(, 0, n),
+ response_proportion = n / sum(n),
+ posterior_mean = outMean,
+ posterior_hdi_low = outHdi[1,],
+ posterior_hdi_high = outHdi[2,])
+ p <- ggplot(plotData, aes(x = response, y = response_proportion)) +
+ geom_bar(stat = "identity", binwidth=1, color="white") +
+ geom_point(aes(y = posterior_mean),
+ size=3, color="red") +
+ geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = posterior_hdi_low, ymax = posterior_hdi_high),
+ size=2, color="red", width=0)
+ return(p)