commit 1452c97c449d7c66ccc7010cd3fa88efca38e1d6
parent ac59777db333e40d23938c9148d5f0953515dcbc
Author: Eamon Caddigan <>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2022 19:11:55 -0800
Solution to day 9, part 2.
This was the first one that really got gnarly. I had to totally rewrite
my part 1 solution for it to extend to part 2, and my first "solution"
to the latter was off, so I had to break down and write the map-drawing
code (which helped).
M | src/day_9.jl | | | 124 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- |
1 file changed, 84 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/day_9.jl b/src/day_9.jl
@@ -13,51 +13,65 @@ example = readlines(IOBuffer("""
R 2"""))
input = readlines("data/day_9.txt")
-function increment_head_tail(head_position::Tuple{Int,Int},
- tail_position::Tuple{Int,Int},
- direction::Char)
- if direction == 'L'
- if head_position[1] - tail_position[1] < 0
- tail_position = head_position
- end
- head_position = (head_position[1] - 1, head_position[2])
- elseif direction == 'R'
- if head_position[1] - tail_position[1] > 0
- tail_position = head_position
- end
- head_position = (head_position[1] + 1, head_position[2])
- elseif direction == 'D'
- if head_position[2] - tail_position[2] < 0
- tail_position = head_position
- end
- head_position = (head_position[1], head_position[2] - 1)
- elseif direction == 'U'
- if head_position[2] - tail_position[2] > 0
- tail_position = head_position
- end
- head_position = (head_position[1], head_position[2] + 1)
- else
- error("invalid direction")
- end
+Shift the head one left, right, up, or down as directed.
+function shift_head(head_position::Tuple{Int,Int},
+ direction::Char)
+ offset = Dict(
+ 'L' => (-1, 0),
+ 'R' => (1, 0),
+ 'U' => (0, 1),
+ 'D' => (0, -1)
+ )
+ head_position .+ offset[direction]
- (head_position, tail_position)
+Return true if the knots are touching, and the difference vector (as a tuple)
+function touching(head_position, tail_position)
+ diff_vec = head_position .- tail_position
+ (maximum(abs.(diff_vec)) <= 1, diff_vec)
-function move_head_tail(instructions)
- head_position, tail_position = ((0,0), (0,0))
+Shift the tail one step based on the difference vector
+The tail can move up/down, left/right, or diagonally.
+function shift_tail(diff_vec, head_position, tail_position)
+ tail_position .+ sign.(diff_vec)
+function move_knots(instructions, num_knots=2)
+ knot_positions = [(0, 0) for _ in 1:num_knots]
tail_visits = Set{Tuple{Int,Int}}()
- push!(tail_visits, tail_position)
+ push!(tail_visits, knot_positions[end])
for instruction = instructions
- direction = instruction[1]
steps = parse(Int, instruction[3:end])
- for _ = 1:steps
- head_position, tail_position = increment_head_tail(
- head_position,
- tail_position,
- direction
+ for _ in 1:steps
+ knot_positions[1] = shift_head(
+ knot_positions[1],
+ instruction[1]
- push!(tail_visits, tail_position)
+ for i = 2:lastindex(knot_positions)
+ aretouching, diff_vec = touching(knot_positions[i-1],
+ knot_positions[i])
+ while !aretouching
+ knot_positions[i] = shift_tail(diff_vec,
+ knot_positions[i-1],
+ knot_positions[i])
+ if i == lastindex(knot_positions)
+ push!(tail_visits, knot_positions[i])
+ end
+ aretouching, diff_vec = touching(knot_positions[i-1],
+ knot_positions[i])
+ end
+ end
@@ -65,13 +79,43 @@ function move_head_tail(instructions)
function part_1(input)
- length(move_head_tail(input))
+ length(move_knots(input))
@assert part_1(example) == 13
@info part_1(input)
+# Part 2 stuff below
+example2 = readlines(IOBuffer("""
+ R 5
+ U 8
+ L 8
+ D 3
+ R 17
+ D 10
+ L 25
+ U 20"""))
+# Looks like I need help: my first attempt worked for the example but not the
+# puzzle input (argh). So here's a helper function to draw the map
+function draw_map(tail_visits)
+ tail_visits = [tup[k] for tup in tail_visits, k in 1:2]
+ tail_visits[:,1] .-= minimum(tail_visits[:,1]) - 1
+ tail_visits[:,2] .-= minimum(tail_visits[:,2]) - 1
+ tailmap = fill('.',
+ maximum(tail_visits[:,2]),
+ maximum(tail_visits[:,1]))
+ for coord = eachrow(tail_visits)
+ tailmap[coord[2], coord[1]] = '#'
+ end
+ println(join(reverse([join(x, "") for x in eachrow(tailmap)]), "\n"))
+draw_map(move_knots(example2, 10))
function part_2(input)
- nothing
+ length(move_knots(input, 10))
-@assert part_2(example) == nothing
+@assert part_2(example2) == 36
@info part_2(input)