
My attempts to work through the 2021 Advent of Code problems.
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 """Advent of Code 2021, day 24 (part 1): Arithmetic Logic Unit
      3 Emulate and validate input for a simple ALU"""
      5 # This one is tricky. Emulating the ALU is straightforward, but validating the
      6 # input could blow up. Since there are 9^14 (~2^44) different model numbers,
      7 # running through these is infeasible. The approach I'm taking right now is
      8 # breaking the program into 14 different sections, divided by `inp`
      9 # instruction. At the end of each section, we'll determine for preceding
     10 # inputted values:
     11 # * Which inputs are invalid (due to dividing by or taking modulus of 0)
     12 # * The mapping from each _valid_ input to register values
     14 from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Dict, NewType, cast
     15 from functools import reduce
     16 import re
     18 from utils import get_puzzle_input
     20 REGISTER_TO_INDEX = {'w': 0, 'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}
     22 Expression = NewType(
     23     'Expression',
     24     Tuple[str, str, Union[None, int, str]]
     25 )
     27 # Only four registers in the ALU
     28 RegisterState = NewType(
     29     'RegisterState',
     30     Tuple[int, int, int, int]
     31 )
     33 def parse_input(input_string: str) -> List[Expression]:
     34     """Honestly this just splits the string into a bunch of tuples, the only
     35     fancy thing it does is deal with the third section smartly"""
     36     instructions = []
     37     for expression in (l.split(' ') for l in input_string.rstrip('\n').split('\n')):
     38         if len(expression) == 2:
     39             instructions.append(Expression((expression[0], expression[1], None)))
     40         elif re.match(r'[-+]?\d+', expression[2]) is not None:
     41             instructions.append(Expression((expression[0], expression[1],
     42                                             int(expression[2]))))
     43         else:
     44             instructions.append(cast(Expression, tuple(expression)))
     45     return instructions
     47 def split_instructions(instructions: List[Expression]) -> List[List[Expression]]:
     48     """Split the instructions into sections, each beginning with an `inp`
     49     command"""
     50     instructions_list: List[List[Expression]] = []
     51     for expression in instructions:
     52         if expression[0] == 'inp':
     53             instructions_list.append([])
     54         instructions_list[-1].append(expression)
     55     return instructions_list
     57 def run_instruction(expression: Expression, register_state: RegisterState,
     58                     instruction_input: Union[int, None] = None) -> RegisterState:
     59     """Run an instruction and update the registers"""
     60     instruction, target, operand = expression
     61     target_idx = REGISTER_TO_INDEX[target]
     62     register_list = list(register_state)
     64     operand_value: Union[int, None]
     65     if isinstance(operand, str):
     66         operand_value = register_list[REGISTER_TO_INDEX[operand]]
     67     else:
     68         operand_value = operand
     70     # Note that if the operand is 0 and mod or div, we'll get a
     71     # ZeroDivisionError, which is fine!
     72     assert instruction == 'inp' or operand_value is not None
     73     if instruction == 'inp':
     74         if instruction_input is None:
     75             raise RuntimeError("`inp` command with no input")
     76         register_list[target_idx] = instruction_input
     77     elif instruction == 'add':
     78         register_list[target_idx] += cast(int, operand_value)
     79     elif instruction == 'mul':
     80         register_list[target_idx] *= cast(int, operand_value)
     81     elif instruction == 'div':
     82         register_list[target_idx] //= cast(int, operand_value)
     83     elif instruction == 'mod':
     84         if register_list[target_idx] < 0 or cast(int, operand_value) < 0:
     85             raise ZeroDivisionError('ALU mod involving a negative number')
     86         register_list[target_idx] %= cast(int, operand_value)
     87     elif instruction == 'eql':
     88         register_list[target_idx] = int(
     89             register_list[target_idx] == cast(int, operand_value)
     90         )
     91     else:
     92         raise RuntimeError('Unimplemented instruction')
     94     return cast(RegisterState, tuple(register_list))
     96 def run_routine(routine: List[Expression], register_state: RegisterState,
     97                 instruction_input: Union[int, None] = None) -> RegisterState:
     98     """Run a list of instructions (typically beginning with an `inp`
     99     instruction and ending before another)"""
    100     return reduce(lambda r, e: run_instruction(e, r, instruction_input),
    101                   routine,
    102                   register_state)
    104 def run_routine_fast(routine: List[Expression], register_state: RegisterState,
    105                      instruction_input: int) -> RegisterState:
    106     """Run puzzle input routines--note that this doesn't read the actual
    107     instructions and doesn't work in the general case (as `run_rouine` does)"""
    108     # It is, however, almost 22 times faster though
    109     w_register = instruction_input
    110     z_register = register_state[3]
    111     x_register = int(w_register != z_register % 26 + cast(int, routine[5][2]))
    112     z_register //= cast(int, routine[4][2])    # 1 or 26
    113     z_register *= 25 * x_register + 1          # Also 1 or 26
    114     y_register = (w_register + cast(int, routine[15][2])) * x_register
    115     z_register += y_register
    116     return RegisterState((w_register, x_register, y_register, z_register))
    118 def test_inputs(routines: List[List[Expression]]) -> int:
    119     """Return the highest value that results in a valid state of the ALU"""
    120     # This operates on the assumption (gleaned through inspection) that only
    121     # the z register actually gets carried forward from one block of
    122     # instructions to another. So this finds the z value associated with each
    123     # input at every step of the way, pruning input combinations that result in
    124     # a z value that is obtained with a higher input combination
    125     z_to_input = {0: 0}
    126     for routine in routines:
    127         new_z_to_input: Dict[int, int] = {}
    128         for z_in, previous_inputs in z_to_input.items():
    129             for instruction_input in range(1, 10):
    130                 registers = run_routine_fast(routine,
    131                                              RegisterState((0, 0, 0, z_in)),
    132                                              instruction_input)
    133                 z_out = registers[3]
    134                 input_sequence = previous_inputs * 10 + instruction_input
    135                 if z_out not in new_z_to_input \
    136                         or new_z_to_input[z_out] < input_sequence:
    137                     new_z_to_input[z_out] = input_sequence
    138         z_to_input = new_z_to_input
    139     return z_to_input[0]
    141 def solve_puzzle(input_string: str) -> int:
    142     """Return the numeric solution to the puzzle"""
    143     return test_inputs(split_instructions(parse_input(input_string)))
    145 def main() -> None:
    146     """Run when the file is called as a script"""
    147     print("Largest possible model number:",
    148           solve_puzzle(get_puzzle_input(24)))
    150 if __name__ == "__main__":
    151     main()