
My attempts to work through the 2021 Advent of Code problems.
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 """Advent of Code 2021, day 23 (part 2): Amphipod
      3 Play a shrimp shuffling game"""
      5 # This began as a refactoring of the code that I wrote for part 1.  Even before
      6 # implementing a heuristic function (i.e., when this was essentially running
      7 # Dijkstra's algorithm with a bit of pruning), this version ran much faster
      8 # (260 vs 686 ms for the example input, and 1.68 vs. 4.1 s for my puzzle
      9 # input).
     10 #
     11 # After adding a proper heuristic function, solution times dropped to 9.81 ms
     12 # for the example input and 57 ms for my puzzle input. It takes 493 ms to solve
     13 # part 2 using my puzzle input.
     15 from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Dict, Deque, NewType, cast
     16 from heapq import heappush, heappop
     17 from collections import deque
     18 from math import inf
     20 from day23_part1 import EXAMPLE_INPUT
     21 from utils import get_puzzle_input
     23 ROOM_SIZE = 4
     25 GameState = NewType(
     26     'GameState',
     27     Tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int,
     28           int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int]
     29 )
     31 def parse_input(input_string: str) -> GameState:
     32     """Given the puzzle input, return the initial state of the game"""
     33     # This implementation assumes that all amphipods start in a room; it's
     34     # unable to parse a game state with amphipods in the hallway
     35     lines = input_string.rstrip('\n').split('\n')
     36     lines.insert(3, '  #D#C#B#A#')
     37     lines.insert(4, '  #D#B#A#C#')
     38     state_list: List[Union[None, int]] = [None] * 16
     39     for room_line in range(4):
     40         amphipods = [4 * (ord(c) - ord('A')) \
     41                      for c in lines[2 + room_line].replace('#', '').replace(' ', '')]
     42         for room_num, amphipod in enumerate(amphipods):
     43             while state_list[amphipod] is not None:
     44                 amphipod += 1
     45             state_list[amphipod] = room_line + 4 * room_num + 11
     46     return cast(GameState, tuple(state_list))
     48 # Because of my stubborn decision to represent the game state in an awkward
     49 # way, I need a bunch of little functions to help me actually make sense of the
     50 # state of the game.
     52 def valid_hall_locations() -> Tuple[int, ...]:
     53     """Return all of the hall locations in which an amphipod can legally stop"""
     54     #return tuple(l for l in range(11) if l not in range(2, 9, 2))
     55     return (0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10)
     57 def room_entrance_locations() -> Tuple[Union[int, None], ...]:
     58     """Return the location in the hallway of the entrance to the rooms"""
     59     #return (None,) + tuple(range(2, 9, 2))
     60     return (None, 2, 4, 6, 8)
     62 def everybody_home(game_state: GameState) -> bool:
     63     """Quickly(ish) determine if all the amphipods are in their home rooms"""
     64     return all(a // ROOM_SIZE == (l - 11) // ROOM_SIZE \
     65                for a, l in enumerate(game_state))
     67 def location_to_room_spot(location: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
     68     """Convert an 'absolute location' to a room and spot number (the hallway is
     69     room 0)"""
     70     if location < 11:
     71         return (0, location)
     72     return divmod(location - (11 - ROOM_SIZE), ROOM_SIZE)
     74 def room_spot_to_location(room: int, spot: int) -> int:
     75     """Given a room and spot number, find the location"""
     76     if room == 0:
     77         return spot
     78     return 11 + (room-1) * ROOM_SIZE + spot
     80 def amphipod_type(amphipod: int) -> int:
     81     """There are 4 * `ROOM_SIZE` amphipods, but four types; this is useful
     82     because the type ID is also the target room number (which is why this is
     83     one-based)"""
     84     return amphipod // ROOM_SIZE + 1
     86 def get_energy_per_step(amphipod_home: int) -> int:
     87     """Different types of amphipod consume different amounts of energy per
     88     step"""
     89     return cast(int, (None, 1, 10, 100, 1000)[amphipod_home])
     91 def make_state(game_state: GameState, amphipod: int,
     92                new_location: int) -> GameState:
     93     """Return a new state where the selected amphipod is in the given
     94     location"""
     95     game_state_list = list(game_state)
     96     game_state_list[amphipod] = new_location
     97     return cast(GameState, tuple(game_state_list))
     99 # Below are some functions (and their helpers) that return lists of potential
    100 # moves. A "move" here means a location/number of steps pair (represented as a
    101 # tuple). All of these return lists even though only `room_to_hallway` has the
    102 # ability to return more than one move.
    104 def stuck_in_room(room: int, spot: int, location_empty: List[bool]) -> bool:
    105     """Helper function to indicate whether a given spot is "stuck" in a room"""
    106     locations = (room_spot_to_location(room, s) for s in range(spot-1, -1, -1))
    107     # note to self: any([]) returns false and all([]) returns True
    108     return not all(location_empty[l] for l in locations)
    110 def path_clear(from_hall_spot: int, to_hall_spot: int,
    111                location_empty: List[bool]) -> bool:
    112     """Indicates whether the pathway is clear between the originating spot and
    113     the destination spot (the originating spot need not be clear)"""
    114     if from_hall_spot < to_hall_spot:
    115         test_range = range(from_hall_spot + 1, to_hall_spot + 1)
    116     else:
    117         test_range = range(to_hall_spot, from_hall_spot)
    118     return all(location_empty[l] for l in test_range)
    120 def free_room_spot(room: int, location_empty: List[bool]) -> Union[int, None]:
    121     """In a room that's ready, return the best (lowest) spot"""
    122     for spot in range(ROOM_SIZE-1, -1, -1):
    123         if location_empty[room_spot_to_location(room, spot)]:
    124             return spot
    125     return None
    127 def room_to_hallway(room: int, spot: int,
    128                     location_empty: List[bool]) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
    129     """List all the loecal moves from the given room/spot into the hallway"""
    130     if stuck_in_room(room, spot, location_empty):
    131         return []
    132     from_entrance = room_entrance_locations()[room]
    133     assert from_entrance is not None
    134     # This is extremely hacky, but we'll loop through the list of hall
    135     # locations once in each direction.
    136     destination_locations = []
    137     for location in valid_hall_locations():
    138         if location > from_entrance:
    139             if not location_empty[location]:
    140                 break
    141             destination_locations.append(location)
    142     for location in reversed(valid_hall_locations()):
    143         if location < from_entrance:
    144             if not location_empty[location]:
    145                 break
    146             destination_locations.append(location)
    147     return [(l, abs(from_entrance - l) + spot + 1) \
    148             for l in destination_locations]
    150 def hallway_to_room(hall_spot: int, room: int,
    151                     location_empty: List[bool]) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
    152     """Return a list containing a move from the given spot in the hallway into
    153     the given room, or an empty list if there's no such move"""
    154     to_entrance = room_entrance_locations()[room]
    155     assert to_entrance is not None
    156     if not path_clear(hall_spot, to_entrance, location_empty):
    157         return []
    158     to_spot = free_room_spot(room, location_empty)
    159     assert to_spot is not None
    160     return [(room_spot_to_location(room, to_spot),
    161              to_spot + abs(hall_spot - to_entrance) + 1)]
    163 def room_to_room(from_room: int, spot: int, to_room: int,
    164                  location_empty: List[bool]) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
    165     """Return a list containing a move from the given spot and room into
    166     the target room, or an empty list if there's no such move"""
    167     from_entrance = room_entrance_locations()[from_room]
    168     to_entrance = room_entrance_locations()[to_room]
    169     assert from_entrance is not None and to_entrance is not None
    170     if stuck_in_room(from_room, spot, location_empty) \
    171        or not path_clear(from_entrance, to_entrance, location_empty):
    172         return []
    173     to_spot = free_room_spot(to_room, location_empty)
    174     assert to_spot is not None
    175     return [(room_spot_to_location(to_room, to_spot),
    176              spot + to_spot + abs(from_entrance - to_entrance) + 2)]
    178 # Now I finally implement A* and its most important helpers
    180 def expand_game_state(game_state: GameState) -> \
    181         List[Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]]:
    182     """Expand a game state tuple into a list of tuples specifying the room,
    183     spot, home_room, amphipod index, and location of each amphipod,
    184     reverse-sorted by room/spot"""
    185     return sorted([(*location_to_room_spot(l), amphipod_type(a), a, l) \
    186                    for a, l in enumerate(game_state)],
    187                   reverse=True)
    189 def list_neighbors(game_state: GameState) -> List[Tuple[GameState, int]]:
    190     """Return a list for almost every (legal) game state that can be reached from the
    191     current one, as a tuple containing the state itself and the energy that
    192     would be required to move there (there is some pruning here: if there are
    193     paths that send amphipods home, only those neighbors are returned"""
    194     # Before we start, we have to find all the _cozy_ amphipods and _ready_
    195     # rooms. A cozy amphipod is in its home room and isn't blocking any
    196     # amphipod that's not. A ready room is a room in which any amphipods that
    197     # are present are cozy.
    198     game_state_expanded = expand_game_state(game_state)
    199     location_empty = [True] * (11 + ROOM_SIZE * 4)
    200     amphipod_cozy = [False] * len(game_state)
    201     room_ready = [False] + [True] * 4   # hallway is never ready
    202     last_was_cozy = False
    203     for room, spot, home_room, amphipod, location in game_state_expanded:
    204         location_empty[location] = False
    205         if room == home_room:
    206             if spot == ROOM_SIZE - 1:
    207                 amphipod_cozy[amphipod] = True
    208                 last_was_cozy = True
    209                 #room_ready[room] = True
    210             elif last_was_cozy:
    211                 amphipod_cozy[amphipod] = True
    212         elif room > 0:
    213             last_was_cozy = False
    214             room_ready[room] = False
    216     # Now we'll loop through all the amphipods again and figure out where each
    217     # can move. We'll build:
    218     # * A list of all neighbor nodes to the current game state
    219     reachable_states = []
    220     # * A subset of neighbors that put amphipods into rooms
    221     reachable_room_states = []
    222     # Once we've found a neighbor state that puts an amphipod into a room, we
    223     # won't bother with any other type of route
    224     route_to_room = False
    225     for room, spot, home_room, amphipod, _ in game_state_expanded:
    226         legal_moves = []
    227         # We'll consider three situations in turn:
    228         # * If the amphipod is in its home room, we'll move it to the hallway
    229         #   only if there is an amphipod of the wrong type below it (i.e., if
    230         #   it's not cozy).
    231         # * If the amphipod is in the hallway, we'll move it to its home room
    232         #   only if any amphipods in the room are of the correct type (i.e, if
    233         #   the room is ready).
    234         # * If the amphipod is in another room, we'll first check if there's a
    235         #   path to its home room (using the same rules as above); if not, then
    236         #   we'll consider moves into the hallway.
    237         if room == home_room:
    238             if not route_to_room and not amphipod_cozy[amphipod]:
    239                 # We need to consider moves to the hallway to get this amphipod
    240                 # out of the way of the amphipods below it (which need to move)
    241                 legal_moves = room_to_hallway(room, spot, location_empty)
    242         elif room == 0:
    243             if room_ready[home_room]:
    244                 # Consider moves to the home room (from the hallway)
    245                 legal_moves = hallway_to_room(spot, home_room, location_empty)
    246                 route_to_room = bool(legal_moves)
    247         else:
    248             if room_ready[home_room]:
    249                 legal_moves = room_to_room(room, spot, home_room,
    250                                            location_empty)
    251                 route_to_room = bool(legal_moves)
    252             if not route_to_room and not legal_moves:
    253                 # No route directly to home room, consider moves to the hallway
    254                 legal_moves = room_to_hallway(room, spot, location_empty)
    256         for new_location, num_steps in legal_moves:
    257             reachable_states.append((
    258                 make_state(game_state, amphipod, new_location),
    259                 get_energy_per_step(home_room) * num_steps
    260             ))
    261             if route_to_room:
    262                 reachable_room_states.append(reachable_states[-1])
    264     if reachable_room_states:
    265         return reachable_room_states
    266     return reachable_states
    268 def heuristic_to_end(game_state: GameState) -> int:
    269     """A heuristic that estimates the total energy used between a given game
    270     state and an ending condition"""
    271     # We'll loop through amphipods twice: first to find out which amphipods are
    272     # cozy (and their locations, which we'll mark as unavailable).
    273     game_state_expanded = expand_game_state(game_state)
    274     cozy_amphipods = set()
    275     available_locations = set(range(11, 11 + 4 * ROOM_SIZE))
    276     last_was_cozy = False
    277     for room, spot, home_room, amphipod, location in game_state_expanded:
    278         if room == home_room:
    279             if spot == ROOM_SIZE - 1:
    280                 cozy_amphipods.add(amphipod)
    281                 available_locations.remove(location)
    282                 last_was_cozy = True
    283             elif last_was_cozy:
    284                 cozy_amphipods.add(amphipod)
    285                 available_locations.remove(location)
    286         elif room > 0:
    287             last_was_cozy = False
    289     # Then, for the second loop, we'll put each amphipod into an available
    290     # spot. Note that we're ignoring whether any other amphipods are in the way
    291     # unless they're cozy.
    292     energy = 0
    293     for room, spot, home_room, amphipod, location in game_state_expanded:
    294         if amphipod not in cozy_amphipods:
    295             # Choose an available spot from their home room
    296             for to_spot in range(ROOM_SIZE):
    297                 to_location = room_spot_to_location(home_room, to_spot)
    298                 if to_location in available_locations:
    299                     available_locations.remove(to_location)
    300                     break
    301             else:
    302                 raise RuntimeError('no spot for amphipod')
    304             # Find the steps/energy to this spot
    305             num_steps = to_spot + 1
    306             if room == 0:
    307                 hall_spot = spot
    308             else:
    309                 hall_spot = room_entrance_locations()[room]
    310                 assert hall_spot is not None
    311                 num_steps += spot + 1
    312                 if room == home_room:
    313                     # This is a non-cozy amphipod in its own room, so it'll need to
    314                     # leave the room and return
    315                     num_steps += 2
    316             num_steps += abs(hall_spot - room_entrance_locations()[home_room])
    317             energy += num_steps * get_energy_per_step(home_room)
    318     return energy
    320 def reconstruct_path(came_from: Dict[GameState, GameState],
    321                      current_state: GameState) -> Deque[GameState]:
    322     """Return the step-by-step solution to the problem"""
    323     # I didn't need to implement this to solve the puzzle, but I did to debug
    324     # my solution. :(
    325     # Also, a deque is overkill for this but I didn't use any for AoC and I
    326     # wanted to (efficiently) appendleft so bad
    327     total_path = deque([current_state])
    328     while current_state in came_from:
    329         current_state = came_from[current_state]
    330         total_path.appendleft(current_state)
    331     return total_path
    333 def find_lowest_energy_use(start_state: GameState) -> Tuple[GameState, int,
    334                                                             Deque[GameState]]:
    335     """Use the A* algorithm to find the lowest energy use to get all the
    336     amphipods from the starting game state to a completed game state"""
    337     # Influenced heavily by the priority queue implementation in Python's heapq
    338     # documentation. Note that passing multiple types into List[] is
    339     # technically incorrect, but we're using lists instead of types
    340     # specifically to get pass-by-reference behavior, so I'm accepting the mypy
    341     # errors as a cost of clearer documentation.
    342     open_set: List[List[int, Union[Tuple[int], GameState]]] = []
    343     open_set_entries: Dict[GameState, List[int, GameState]] = {}
    345     came_from: Dict[GameState, GameState] = {}
    346     best_distance: Dict[GameState, Union[int, float]] = {start_state: 0}
    347     best_cost: Dict[GameState, Union[int, float]] = {
    348         start_state: 0 + heuristic_to_end(start_state)
    349     }
    351     current_state = start_state
    352     while not everybody_home(current_state):
    353         for neighbor, energy_between in list_neighbors(current_state):
    354             energy_to_neighbor = best_distance[current_state] \
    355                                  + energy_between
    356             # If the distance to the neighbor from the start through the
    357             # current node is lower than what was previously estimated, or if
    358             # we've never seen a path to this neighbor before, update the
    359             # priority queue and other data sctructures.
    360             if energy_to_neighbor < best_distance.get(neighbor, inf):
    361                 estimated_cost = energy_to_neighbor \
    362                                  + heuristic_to_end(neighbor)
    363                 came_from[neighbor] = current_state
    364                 best_distance[neighbor] = energy_to_neighbor
    365                 best_cost[neighbor] = estimated_cost
    366                 # Updating the priority queue is a bit more complicated
    367                 new_pq_entry = [estimated_cost, neighbor]
    368                 if neighbor in open_set_entries:
    369                     old_pq_entry = open_set_entries.pop(neighbor)
    370                     # Placeholder for "empty" priority queue entries
    371                     old_pq_entry[-1] = (0,)
    372                 open_set_entries[neighbor] = new_pq_entry
    373                 heappush(open_set, new_pq_entry)
    375         # Select the next lowest-energy state to visit next.
    376         while open_set:
    377             _, current_state = heappop(open_set)
    378             if current_state != (0,):
    379                 del open_set_entries[current_state]
    380                 break
    381         else:
    382             raise KeyError('pop from empty priority queue')
    384     return (current_state, int(best_distance[current_state]),
    385             reconstruct_path(came_from, current_state))
    387 def solve_puzzle(input_string: str) -> int:
    388     """Return the numeric solution to the puzzle"""
    389     return find_lowest_energy_use(parse_input(input_string))[1]
    391 def main() -> None:
    392     """Run when the file is called as a script"""
    393     assert solve_puzzle(EXAMPLE_INPUT) == 44169
    394     print("Lowest energy use:",
    395           solve_puzzle(get_puzzle_input(23)))
    397 if __name__ == "__main__":
    398     main()