
My attempts to work through the 2021 Advent of Code problems.
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 """Advent of Code 2021, day 23 (part 1): Amphipod
      3 Play a shrimp shuffling game"""
      5 # I think this is another problem that can be solved through graph search. The
      6 # tricky bit (IMO) is that I can't just enumerate all of the possible states
      7 # ahead of time and then plug them into SciPy or NetworkX and have them solve
      8 # the problem. No, I think it'll be "easiest" to solve the graph and figure out
      9 # states as we go. The next hard part is figuring out a _hashable_
     10 # representation of the state of the board. The example started off like this:
     11 #
     12 # #############
     13 # #...........#
     14 # ###B#C#B#D###
     15 #   #A#D#C#A#
     16 #   #########
     17 #
     18 # Another intermediate state looked like this:
     19 #
     20 # #############
     21 # #.....D.D.A.#
     22 # ###.#B#C#.###
     23 #   #A#B#C#.#
     24 #   #########
     25 #
     26 # There are 19 different spots through which an amphipod can pass (labeled 0 -
     27 # I below), although they can't "stop" in all of them:
     28 #
     29 # #############
     30 # #0123456789A#
     31 # ###B#D#F#H###
     32 #   #C#E#G#I#
     33 #   #########
     34 #
     35 # And additionally, there are 8 amphipods, 2 of each type, with the different
     36 # types having restrictions on which rooms they can enter and costs associated
     37 # with moving. So while there may be some real overhead in manipulating this
     38 # scheme, we can represent the state of the game using an 8-tuple that
     39 # specifies the location where each amphipod is currently standing.
     40 #
     41 # The next big implementation decision is how to handle move restrictions, and
     42 # I see two approaches: amphipods can either move to their final standing spot
     43 # in one "step" of the algorithm (at the cost of more complex pathfinding
     44 # logic), or they can take one step at a time, but extra logic can handle the
     45 # fact that amphipods are "frozen" in place in the hallway until they can
     46 # complete their move into their final room and can't stop in front of doors.
     47 # I'm going to try the first approach since it seems like a smaller search
     48 # problem. Basically, an amphipod can move from their starting room to one spot
     49 # in the hallway, and then move to their final room, so maybe Dijkstra's
     50 # algorithm would suffice; otherwise there are so many "low energy" moves to
     51 # explore before the type D amphipods would ever move that we'd need A*, which
     52 # means I'd need to implement a whole heuristic algorithm.  The path-finding
     53 # seems worth it.
     55 from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Dict, Deque, NewType
     56 from heapq import heappush, heappop
     57 from collections import deque
     59 from utils import get_puzzle_input
     61 EXAMPLE_INPUT = \
     62 """#############
     63 #...........#
     64 ###B#C#B#D###
     65   #A#D#C#A#
     66   #########
     67 """
     69 GameState = NewType(
     70     'GameState',
     71     Tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int]
     72 )
     74 def parse_input(input_string: str) -> GameState:
     75     """Given the puzzle input, return the initial state of the game"""
     76     # This implementation assumes that all amphipods start in a room; it's
     77     # unable to parse a game state with amphipods in the hallway
     78     lines = input_string.rstrip('\n').split('\n')
     79     state_list: List[Union[None, int]] = [None] * 8
     80     for room_line in range(2):
     81         amphipods = [2 * (ord(c) - ord('A')) \
     82                      for c in lines[2 + room_line].replace('#', '').replace(' ', '')]
     83         for room_num, amphipod in enumerate(amphipods):
     84             if state_list[amphipod] is not None:
     85                 amphipod += 1
     86             state_list[amphipod] = room_line + 2 * room_num + 11
     87     return GameState(tuple(state_list))
     89 # Because of my stubborn decision to represent the game state in an awkward
     90 # way, I need a bunch of little functions to help me actually make sense of the
     91 # state of the game.
     93 def valid_hall_locations() -> Tuple[int, ...]:
     94     """Return all of the hall locations in which an amphipod can legally stop"""
     95     return (0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10)
     97 def is_in_hall(location: int) -> bool:
     98     """Returns `True` iff a location is in the hall"""
     99     return location < 11
    101 def get_room(location: int) -> Union[None, int]:
    102     """Return the room number of the given location, or `None` if it's the
    103     hallway"""
    104     if is_in_hall(location):
    105         return None
    106     return (location - 11) // 2
    108 def get_spot(location: int) -> Union[None, int]:
    109     """Return the room spot number of the given location (0 at the top and 1
    110     below it), or `None` if it's the hallway"""
    111     if is_in_hall(location):
    112         return None
    113     return (location - 11) % 2
    115 def get_entrance(room: int) -> int:
    116     """Return the location of the hallway spot immediately outside a room"""
    117     return 2 + 2 * room
    119 def get_location(room: int, spot: int) -> int:
    120     """Given a room and spot number, find the location"""
    121     return 11 + room * 2 + spot
    123 def is_empty(location: int, game_state: GameState) -> bool:
    124     """Just indicates whether a location is empty; nothing special"""
    125     return location not in game_state
    127 def get_type(amphipod: int) -> int:
    128     """There are 8 amphipods, but four types; this is useful because the type
    129     ID is also the target room number"""
    130     return amphipod // 2
    132 def get_amphipod(location: int, game_state: GameState) -> Union[None, int]:
    133     """Return the amphipod ID of the one in the given location, and `None` if
    134     there is none"""
    135     if location not in game_state:
    136         return None
    137     return game_state.index(location)
    139 def get_energy_per_step(amphipod: int) -> int:
    140     """Different types of amphipod consume different amounts of energy per
    141     step"""
    142     return (1, 10, 100, 1000)[get_type(amphipod)]
    144 def is_home(amphipod: int, game_state: GameState) -> bool:
    145     """An amphipod is 'home' if it's in its final room and there are no
    146     amphipods below it in the room that aren't also 'home'"""
    147     room = get_room(game_state[amphipod])
    148     # Now *this* is spaghetti code
    149     if room is None:
    150         return False
    151     # Let's take a second to appreciate that tests for equality in Python work
    152     # across object types, so this doesn't return None
    153     if get_type(amphipod) == room:
    154         spot = get_spot(game_state[amphipod])
    155         assert spot is not None
    156         if spot == 1:
    157             return True
    158         next_location = get_location(room, spot+1)
    159         if is_empty(next_location, game_state):
    160             # The amphipod in question is in the right room, but there's
    161             # weirdly an empty spot below it?
    162             return False
    163         return is_home(game_state.index(next_location), game_state)
    164     return False
    166 def everybody_home(game_state: GameState) -> bool:
    167     """Return `True` iff every amphipod is in a home spot"""
    168     return all(is_home(a, game_state) for a in range(len(game_state)))
    170 def is_blocked_in_room(amphipod: int, game_state: GameState) -> bool:
    171     """An amphipod is 'blocked' if they are in a room and another amphipod is
    172     above them in the room (they might not be able to move anywhere in the
    173     hallway, this function doesn't address that)"""
    174     room = get_room(game_state[amphipod])
    175     if room is None:
    176         return False
    177     spot = get_spot(game_state[amphipod])
    178     if spot == 0:
    179         return False
    180     return not is_empty(get_location(room, 0), game_state)
    182 def steps_between(from_location: int, to_location: int) -> int:
    183     """Count the steps between a hall location and room location; one end must
    184     be in a room and the other in the hallway"""
    185     hall_location, room_location = sorted([from_location, to_location])
    186     assert is_in_hall(hall_location) and not is_in_hall(room_location)
    187     return abs(hall_location - get_entrance(get_room(room_location))) \
    188            + get_spot(room_location) + 1
    190 def path_clear(from_location: int, to_location: int,
    191                game_state: GameState) -> bool:
    192     """Return `True` iff there are no amphipods blocking the way between one
    193     hallway location and another"""
    194     # We allow an amphipod to be in the _from_ location, but not in the _to_
    195     # location (nor in any intermediate location)
    196     assert is_in_hall(from_location) and is_in_hall(to_location)
    197     if from_location == to_location:
    198         return False
    199     if from_location < to_location:
    200         test_range = range(from_location+1, to_location+1)
    201     else:
    202         test_range = range(to_location, from_location)
    203     return not any(i in game_state for i in test_range)
    205 def make_state(game_state: GameState, amphipod: int,
    206                new_location: int) -> GameState:
    207     """Return a new state where the selected amphipod is in the given
    208     location"""
    209     game_state_list = list(game_state)
    210     game_state_list[amphipod] = new_location
    211     return GameState(tuple(game_state_list))
    213 # End of various helper functions. Next we're going to implement a version of
    214 # Dijkstra's algorithm (that doesn't require the enumeration of every possible
    215 # game state--which are the nodes in our graph).
    216 #
    217 # I'm going to use Python's built-in heap helpers and implement a version of a
    218 # priority queue to support the algorithm. Normally, one of the trickiest
    219 # operations in a heap-based priority queue is "removing" or "updating" entries
    220 # from the queue (usually this is achieved by marking them as 'removed' somehow
    221 # but otherwise leaving them in the queue). However, since queue entries are
    222 # only being updated when a new distance to a node is *lower* than the previous
    223 # one, that means anything that would be otherwise be removed/updated will
    224 # appear as "already visited" when it's popped off the queue. In other words,
    225 # as long as we don't consider states that have already been visited, we don't
    226 # need to worry about removing/updating anything in the heap.
    227 #
    228 # In addition to the heap, we'll use a dictionary to quickly look up the
    229 # current estimate of the minimum distance to a given node, and a set to keep
    230 # track of visited nodes. Everything is built into Python.
    232 def list_reachable_states(game_state: GameState) -> List[Tuple[GameState, int]]:
    233     """Return a list for every (legal) game state that can be reached from the
    234     current one, as a tuple containing the state itself and the energy that
    235     would be required to move there"""
    236     # This function, and not the simple implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm,
    237     # is the meat of this solution, since there's a lot of tricky logic to
    238     # figure out which amphipods can move and where they can move to. This
    239     # finds all of the nodes connected to the current node in the graph.
    240     reachable_states = []
    241     for amphipod, location in enumerate(game_state):
    242         amphipod_type = get_type(amphipod)
    243         amphipod_locations = []
    244         if is_in_hall(location):
    245             # The only valid locations for a hallway amphipod to go to are its
    246             # home room, and then only if it's empty or only occupied by
    247             # amphipods of the same type.
    248             if path_clear(location, get_entrance(amphipod_type), game_state):
    249                 for spot in (1, 0):
    250                     spot_location = get_location(amphipod_type, spot)
    251                     spot_amphipod = get_amphipod(spot_location, game_state)
    252                     if spot_amphipod is None:
    253                         amphipod_locations = [spot_location]
    254                         break
    255                     if get_type(spot_amphipod) != amphipod_type:
    256                         # The wrong type of amphipod is in this room so our guy
    257                         # can't enter it
    258                         break
    259         elif not is_home(amphipod, game_state) \
    260                 and not is_blocked_in_room(amphipod, game_state):
    261             # If the amphipod is in a room (that's not its home), then the only
    262             # valid location is somewhere in the hallway.
    263             current_room_entrance = get_entrance(get_room(location))
    264             amphipod_locations = [l for l in valid_hall_locations() \
    265                                   if path_clear(current_room_entrance, l,
    266                                                 game_state)]
    267         # else: pass
    268         for new_location in amphipod_locations:
    269             reachable_states.append((
    270                 make_state(game_state, amphipod, new_location),
    271                 get_energy_per_step(amphipod) \
    272                 * steps_between(location, new_location)
    273             ))
    274     return reachable_states
    276 def reconstruct_path(start_state: GameState, final_state: GameState,
    277                      best_parent: Dict[GameState, GameState]) -> Deque[GameState]:
    278     """Return the step-by-step solution to the problem"""
    279     # I didn't need to implement this to solve the puzzle, but I did to debug
    280     # my solution. :(
    281     current_state = final_state
    282     # Honestly a deque is overkill for this but I didn't use any for AoC and I
    283     # wanted to appendleft so bad
    284     path = deque([current_state])
    285     while current_state != start_state:
    286         current_state = best_parent[current_state]
    287         path.appendleft(current_state)
    288     return path
    290 def find_lowest_energy_use(start_state: GameState) -> Tuple[GameState, int,
    291                                                             Deque[GameState]]:
    292     """Use Dijkstra's algorithm to find the lowest energy use to get all the
    293     amphipods from the starting game state to a completed game state"""
    294     priority_queue: List[Tuple[int, GameState]] = []
    295     visited_states = set()
    296     best_distance: Dict[GameState, int] = {}
    297     best_parent = {}
    299     (energy_to_current_state, current_state) = (0, start_state)
    301     while not everybody_home(current_state):
    302         # One of the ways this departs from a usual graph traversal is that
    303         # there are multiple "goal nodes" (game states). Any state that has
    304         # every amphipod in its home location will do, and there's no point in
    305         # enumerating them if we terminate the search once we find one.
    306         visited_states.add(current_state)
    308         # For each amphipod that can move, find all the states that are
    309         # reachable from the current one. Add newly discovered nodes, or better
    310         # than previously seen energy usage, to the queue.
    311         for reachable_state, energy_between in list_reachable_states(current_state):
    312             energy_to_reachable_state = energy_to_current_state \
    313                                         + energy_between
    314             visit_neighbor = reachable_state not in visited_states and \
    315                              (reachable_state not in best_distance or \
    316                               best_distance[reachable_state] > energy_to_reachable_state)
    317             if visit_neighbor:
    318                 heappush(priority_queue, (energy_to_reachable_state, reachable_state))
    319                 best_distance[reachable_state] = energy_to_reachable_state
    320                 best_parent[reachable_state] = current_state
    322         # Select the next lowest-energy state to visit next. The heap will
    323         # become full of longer paths to various states that we've already
    324         # visited, but we can skip past them quickly.
    325         (energy_to_current_state, current_state) = heappop(priority_queue)
    326         while current_state in visited_states:
    327             (energy_to_current_state, current_state) = heappop(priority_queue)
    329     return (current_state, energy_to_current_state,
    330             reconstruct_path(start_state, current_state, best_parent))
    332 def solve_puzzle(input_string: str) -> int:
    333     """Return the numeric solution to the puzzle"""
    334     return find_lowest_energy_use(parse_input(input_string))[1]
    336 def main() -> None:
    337     """Run when the file is called as a script"""
    338     assert solve_puzzle(EXAMPLE_INPUT) == 12521
    339     print("Lowest energy use:",
    340           solve_puzzle(get_puzzle_input(23)))
    342 if __name__ == "__main__":
    343     main()