
My attempts to work through the 2021 Advent of Code problems.
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 """Advent of Code 2021, day 21 (part 2): Dirac Dice
      3 Simulating an Advent of Code board game (with a multiverse die!)"""
      5 # Well I'm glad I didn't overengineer part 1 because I didn't expect this.
      6 #
      7 # It's infeasible to enumerate all of the possible outcomes. I think the
      8 # "trick" is to recognize that on each turn, a player can only advance 3, 4,
      9 # ..., 9 spaces, but each of these outcomes is associated with a different
     10 # number of "universes" (e.g., only one universe results in a move of 3 spaces,
     11 # but 3 different universes are associated with a 4-space move).
     12 #
     13 # The state space is strictly less than 2 x 10 x 10 x 30 x 30 possible player
     14 # turn / player 1 position / player 2 position / player 1 score / player 2
     15 # score combinations, as many of these are impossible (no score above 30 needs
     16 # to be considered, because a winning score above 30 isn't possible). So we can
     17 # recursively explore the number of universes that wind up at each possible
     18 # winning condition. The number of universes at state n = the sum of the
     19 # product of the number of universes from each previous state by the number of
     20 # universes that arrive at _that_ state. The base condition is the starting
     21 # state of the game: both players have a score of 0 and their pawn at their
     22 # respective starting position, this state has exactly 1 universe (and
     23 # "impossible" states have 0 universes). So this is a perfect application for
     24 # memoization, which is fairly easy with functools.lru_cache.
     26 from typing import Tuple, Dict, cast
     27 from functools import lru_cache
     28 from itertools import product
     30 from day21_part1 import EXAMPLE_INPUT, parse_input
     31 from utils import get_puzzle_input
     33 # I know globals are ugly but whatcha gonna do?
     34 UNIVERSES_PER_MOVE = tuple((k + 3, v) for k, v in \
     35                            enumerate([1, 3, 6, 7, 6, 3, 1]))
     37 @lru_cache(maxsize=None)
     38 def count_universes_at(player_turn: int,
     39                        winning_score: int,
     40                        start_positions: Tuple[int, int],
     41                        positions: Tuple[int, int],
     42                        scores: Tuple[int, int]) -> int:
     43     """Find the number of universes that lead to the current state recursively.
     44     `player_turn` indicates which player just _finished_ their turn, and we're
     45     treating the starting state of the game as a though player 2 just finished
     46     (since player 1 goes first)"""
     47     player_idx = player_turn - 1
     49     #  First, check if it's an "impossible" state
     50     impossible_state = min(scores) > winning_score \
     51                        or max(scores) > winning_score + 9
     52     for player in range(2):
     53         # No player can have a score less than zero, and if the score _is_
     54         # zero, their position must be their starting position
     55         impossible_state |= scores[player] < 0
     56         if scores[player] == 0:
     57             impossible_state |= positions[player] != start_positions[player]
     58     # Player 2 can't have points before player 1
     59     impossible_state |= scores[0] == 0 and scores[1] > 0
     60     # If both players have 0 points, then player 2 just "finished"
     61     if scores == (0, 0):
     62         impossible_state |= player_turn != 2
     64     # The player's previous score was their current score minus their
     65     # current position (e.g., if they're on space 4 with a score of 12,
     66     # then their last score had to be 8)
     67     scores_prev = list(scores)
     68     scores_prev[player_idx] = scores[player_idx] - positions[player_idx]
     70     # If this is a winning score, the previous score could not also have been a
     71     # winning score, which means that the previous score could never have been
     72     # a winning score.
     73     impossible_state |= scores_prev[player_idx] >= winning_score
     75     universes_at_this_state = 0
     76     if not impossible_state:
     77         if scores == (0, 0):
     78             # Base case
     79             universes_at_this_state = 1
     80         else:
     81             # We entered the current state following a move from the current
     82             # player.
     83             for die_roll, num_universes in UNIVERSES_PER_MOVE:
     84                 positions_prev = list(positions)
     85                 positions_prev[player_idx] = (positions[player_idx] - 1
     86                                             - die_roll) % 10 \
     87                                             + 1
     89                 universes_at_prev_state = count_universes_at(
     90                     (player_idx + 1) % 2 + 1,
     91                     winning_score,
     92                     start_positions,
     93                     tuple(positions_prev),
     94                     tuple(scores_prev)
     95                 )
     96                 universes_at_this_state += num_universes \
     97                                            * universes_at_prev_state
     98     return universes_at_this_state
    100 def count_winning_universes(start_positions: Tuple[int, int],
    101                             winning_score: int) -> \
    102         Tuple[int, int]:
    103     """For the given pair of starting positions, count all of the winning
    104     universes for player 1 and player 2 and return the results as a tuple"""
    105     count_universes_at.cache_clear() # Shouldn't be necessary
    106     player_1_wins = 0
    107     player_2_wins = 0
    108     for winner_score in range(winning_score, winning_score+10):
    109         for loser_score in range(winning_score):
    110             for player_positions in product(range(1, 11), repeat=2):
    111                 player_1_wins += count_universes_at(1,
    112                                                     winning_score,
    113                                                     start_positions,
    114                                                     player_positions,
    115                                                     (winner_score,
    116                                                      loser_score))
    117                 player_2_wins += count_universes_at(2,
    118                                                     winning_score,
    119                                                     start_positions,
    120                                                     player_positions,
    121                                                     (loser_score,
    122                                                      winner_score))
    123     return (player_1_wins, player_2_wins)
    125 # The next two functions aren't part of the solution, but they did help me get
    126 # there so I'm saving them.
    128 def step_simulation(game_state: Tuple[int, Tuple[int, int],
    129                                       Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]],
    130                     winning_score: int,
    131                     game_state_dict: Dict) -> Dict:
    132     """Advance the game state through one player's turn"""
    133     # Previous puzzles offered simpler input to facilitate debugging, but this
    134     # one is trash, so this function brute forces a few steps of the game,
    135     # counting the paths to each game state
    136     player_turn, start_positions, positions, scores = game_state
    138     # `player_turn` indicates the player who just finished, so we advance that
    139     # first
    140     current_player = player_turn % 2 + 1
    142     updated_game_state_dict = game_state_dict.copy()
    143     if max(scores) >= winning_score:
    144         return updated_game_state_dict
    146     universes_here = game_state_dict[game_state]
    147     player_idx = current_player - 1
    148     new_positions = list(positions)
    149     new_scores = list(scores)
    151     for die_roll, num_universes in UNIVERSES_PER_MOVE:
    152         new_positions[player_idx] = (positions[player_idx] - 1 + die_roll) \
    153                                     % 10 + 1
    154         new_scores[player_idx] = scores[player_idx] + new_positions[player_idx]
    155         new_game_state = (current_player,
    156                           start_positions,
    157                           cast(Tuple[int, int],
    158                                tuple(new_positions)),
    159                           cast(Tuple[int, int],
    160                                tuple(new_scores)))
    161         if new_game_state not in updated_game_state_dict:
    162             updated_game_state_dict[new_game_state] = 0
    163         updated_game_state_dict[new_game_state] += universes_here \
    164                                                    * num_universes
    165         updated_game_state_dict = step_simulation(new_game_state, winning_score,
    166                                                   updated_game_state_dict)
    167     return updated_game_state_dict
    169 def run_simulation(start_positions: Tuple[int, int], winning_score: int) -> Dict:
    170     """Initialize the simulation and run it"""
    171     # A procedure like this _could_ be used to solve the puzzle, but it takes
    172     # too long
    173     initial_game_state = (2, start_positions, start_positions, (0, 0))
    174     return step_simulation(initial_game_state, winning_score,
    175                            {initial_game_state: 1})
    177 def solve_puzzle(input_string: str) -> int:
    178     """Return the numeric solution to the puzzle"""
    179     return max(count_winning_universes(parse_input(input_string), 21))
    181 def main() -> None:
    182     """Run when the file is called as a script"""
    183     assert solve_puzzle(EXAMPLE_INPUT) == 444356092776315
    184     print("Total universes for winner:",
    185           solve_puzzle(get_puzzle_input(21)))
    187 if __name__ == "__main__":
    188     main()