
My attempts to work through the 2021 Advent of Code problems.
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 """Advent of Code 2021, day 20 (part 1): Trench Map
      3 Iteratively apply an 'image enhancement algorithm' to a map of the trench
      4 floor"""
      6 # I peeked at the puzzle input to see if I wanted to use sparse or dense
      7 # matrices for this, and it looks like dense (i.e., 2d numpy arrays) is the way
      8 # to go.
      9 #
     10 # For the record, I made the (apparently very common) mistake of assuming that
     11 # the "world" remained 0 across all enhancements, and did submit an incorrect
     12 # answer before I figured it out.
     14 from typing import Tuple
     15 from functools import reduce
     16 import numpy as np
     17 from utils import get_puzzle_input
     19 EXAMPLE_INPUT = \
     20 "..#.#..#####.#.#.#.###.##.....###.##.#..###.####..#####..#....#..#..##..##" + \
     21 "#..######.###...####..#..#####..##..#.#####...##.#.#..#.##..#.#......#.###" + \
     22 ".######.###.####...#.##.##..#..#..#####.....#.#....###..#.##......#.....#." + \
     23 ".#..#..##..#...##.######.####.####.#.#...#.......#..#.#.#...####.##.#....." + \
     24 ".#..#...##.#.##..#...##.#.##..###.#......#.#.......#.#.#.####.###.##...#.." + \
     25 "...####.#..#..#.##.#....##..#.####....##...##..#...#......#.#.......#....." + \
     26 """..##..####..#...#.#.#...##..#.#..###..#####........#..####......#..#
     28 #..#.
     29 #....
     30 ##..#
     31 ..#..
     32 ..###
     33 """
     35 def parse_input(input_string: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
     36     """Given the puzzle input, return a tuple containing the image data (a 2d
     37     numpy array of integers) and a lookup table (a 1d numpy array of integers)"""
     38     # I'm ditching the '#' / '.' representation right away; we want zeroes and
     39     # ones here
     40     lines = input_string.rstrip('\n').split('\n')
     41     lookup_table = np.array([{'#': 1, '.': 0}[c] for c in lines[0]])
     42     image_data = np.array(
     43         [[{'#': 1, '.': 0}[c] for c in l] for l in lines[2:]]
     44     )
     45     return (image_data, lookup_table)
     47 def dilate_image(image_data: np.ndarray,
     48                  dilate_with: int) -> np.ndarray:
     49     """Given an n x m image matrix, return a (n + 2) x (m + 2) matrix of the
     50     same image padded around with `dilate_with`"""
     51     new_image = np.zeros((image_data.shape[0] + 2, image_data.shape[1] + 2),
     52                          dtype=int) + dilate_with
     53     new_image[1:-1, 1:-1] = image_data[:, :]
     54     return new_image
     56 def find_pixel_indices(image_data: np.ndarray,
     57                        world_state: int) -> np.ndarray:
     58     """Use each pixel's neighborhood to convert it to an index (in the range
     59     0..512); given an n x m image returns an (n + 2) x (m + 2) set of indices"""
     60     # Using dilate this way is "inefficient", but it's fast enough that the I
     61     # think it's a good ease of programming / speed of execution tradeoff.
     62     image_dilated = dilate_image(dilate_image(image_data, world_state),
     63                                  world_state)
     64     image_indices = dilate_image(np.zeros_like(image_data), 0)
     65     for exponent in range(9):
     66         col_offset = 2 - exponent % 3
     67         row_offset = 2 - exponent // 3
     68         image_indices += 2**exponent * image_dilated[
     69             row_offset:row_offset+image_indices.shape[0],
     70             col_offset:col_offset+image_indices.shape[1]
     71         ]
     72     return image_indices
     74 def enhance_image_once(image_data: np.ndarray,
     75                        world_state: int,
     76                        lookup_table: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]:
     77     """For each pixel in the image, consider its 8-connected neighborhood;
     78     these values represent bits in an integer, which is then used to index into
     79     a lookup table to find the new value for the pixel and a new `world_state`"""
     80     # World state is either 0 or 1. If it's 0, every unexamined pixel in the
     81     # world is replaced with `lookup_table[0]`, and if it's 1 they're replaced
     82     # with `lookup_table[511]`
     83     return (lookup_table[find_pixel_indices(image_data, world_state)],
     84             int(lookup_table[{0: 0b0, 1: 0b111111111}[world_state]]))
     86 def enhance_image(image_data: np.ndarray, lookup_table: np.ndarray,
     87                   num_enhancements: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]:
     88     """Apply the enhancement `num_enhancements` times, starting with an initial
     89     `world_state` of 0"""
     90     return reduce(lambda x, y: enhance_image_once(x[0], x[1], lookup_table),
     91                   range(num_enhancements),
     92                   (image_data, 0))
     94 def solve_puzzle(input_string: str) -> int:
     95     """Return the numeric solution to the puzzle"""
     96     return enhance_image(*((parse_input(input_string)) + (2,)))[0].sum()
     98 def main() -> None:
     99     """Run when the file is called as a script"""
    100     assert solve_puzzle(EXAMPLE_INPUT) == 35
    101     print("Total number of lit pixels:",
    102           solve_puzzle(get_puzzle_input(20)))
    104 if __name__ == "__main__":
    105     main()