
My attempts to work through the 2021 Advent of Code problems.
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 """Advent of Code 2021, day 19 (part 1): Beacon Scanner
      3 Given positions (but not consistent frame of reference), find the overlap
      4 between a set of beacons detected by several scanners"""
      6 # Looking at the leaderboard, this one has been hard for folks. My first
      7 # impression is that its pretty doable if I can get away with brute forcing a
      8 # few parts of it, but if I need to be sophisticated (i.e., if a bunch of
      9 # polynomial time approaches dont scale), then this could be a huge slog.
     10 #
     11 # Numpy and SciPy are helping out here, but neither are doing any algorithmic
     12 # heavy lifting (as was the case when using optimization or graph search from
     13 # SciPy in previous puzzles).
     14 #
     15 # Note: I'm using _augmented matrices_ to represent the beacon locations and
     16 # transformations. 3D data is represented by 4D vectors padded with a 1,
     17 # allowing translations to be implemented with matrix multiplication.
     19 from typing import List, Union, Tuple
     20 from itertools import product
     21 import numpy as np
     22 from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
     23 from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
     24 from utils import get_puzzle_input
     26 EXAMPLE_INPUT = \
     27 """--- scanner 0 ---
     28 404,-588,-901
     29 528,-643,409
     30 -838,591,734
     31 390,-675,-793
     32 -537,-823,-458
     33 -485,-357,347
     34 -345,-311,381
     35 -661,-816,-575
     36 -876,649,763
     37 -618,-824,-621
     38 553,345,-567
     39 474,580,667
     40 -447,-329,318
     41 -584,868,-557
     42 544,-627,-890
     43 564,392,-477
     44 455,729,728
     45 -892,524,684
     46 -689,845,-530
     47 423,-701,434
     48 7,-33,-71
     49 630,319,-379
     50 443,580,662
     51 -789,900,-551
     52 459,-707,401
     54 --- scanner 1 ---
     55 686,422,578
     56 605,423,415
     57 515,917,-361
     58 -336,658,858
     59 95,138,22
     60 -476,619,847
     61 -340,-569,-846
     62 567,-361,727
     63 -460,603,-452
     64 669,-402,600
     65 729,430,532
     66 -500,-761,534
     67 -322,571,750
     68 -466,-666,-811
     69 -429,-592,574
     70 -355,545,-477
     71 703,-491,-529
     72 -328,-685,520
     73 413,935,-424
     74 -391,539,-444
     75 586,-435,557
     76 -364,-763,-893
     77 807,-499,-711
     78 755,-354,-619
     79 553,889,-390
     81 --- scanner 2 ---
     82 649,640,665
     83 682,-795,504
     84 -784,533,-524
     85 -644,584,-595
     86 -588,-843,648
     87 -30,6,44
     88 -674,560,763
     89 500,723,-460
     90 609,671,-379
     91 -555,-800,653
     92 -675,-892,-343
     93 697,-426,-610
     94 578,704,681
     95 493,664,-388
     96 -671,-858,530
     97 -667,343,800
     98 571,-461,-707
     99 -138,-166,112
    100 -889,563,-600
    101 646,-828,498
    102 640,759,510
    103 -630,509,768
    104 -681,-892,-333
    105 673,-379,-804
    106 -742,-814,-386
    107 577,-820,562
    109 --- scanner 3 ---
    110 -589,542,597
    111 605,-692,669
    112 -500,565,-823
    113 -660,373,557
    114 -458,-679,-417
    115 -488,449,543
    116 -626,468,-788
    117 338,-750,-386
    118 528,-832,-391
    119 562,-778,733
    120 -938,-730,414
    121 543,643,-506
    122 -524,371,-870
    123 407,773,750
    124 -104,29,83
    125 378,-903,-323
    126 -778,-728,485
    127 426,699,580
    128 -438,-605,-362
    129 -469,-447,-387
    130 509,732,623
    131 647,635,-688
    132 -868,-804,481
    133 614,-800,639
    134 595,780,-596
    136 --- scanner 4 ---
    137 727,592,562
    138 -293,-554,779
    139 441,611,-461
    140 -714,465,-776
    141 -743,427,-804
    142 -660,-479,-426
    143 832,-632,460
    144 927,-485,-438
    145 408,393,-506
    146 466,436,-512
    147 110,16,151
    148 -258,-428,682
    149 -393,719,612
    150 -211,-452,876
    151 808,-476,-593
    152 -575,615,604
    153 -485,667,467
    154 -680,325,-822
    155 -627,-443,-432
    156 872,-547,-609
    157 833,512,582
    158 807,604,487
    159 839,-516,451
    160 891,-625,532
    161 -652,-548,-490
    162 30,-46,-14
    163 """
    165 def parse_input(input_string: str) -> List[np.ndarray]:
    166     """Given the puzzle input, return a list comprising all the
    167     beacons detected by each scanner"""
    168     # I do not love how hacky this is
    169     scanner_beacons = []
    170     beacon_start = 0
    171     # Depends on the trailing newline in the puzzle input. Hacky!
    172     input_lines = input_string.split('\n')
    173     for idx, line in enumerate(input_lines):
    174         if line.startswith('---'):
    175             beacon_start = idx + 1
    176         elif line == '':
    177             # End of a probe's beacons
    178             scanner_beacons.append(
    179                 np.array([l.split(',') + ['1'] for l in input_lines[beacon_start:idx]])
    180                 .astype(float)
    181             )
    182     return scanner_beacons
    184 def augment_matrix(rotation_matrix: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    185     """Given a 3x3 transformation matrix, return a 4x4 augmented matrix
    186     representing the same transformation"""
    187     return np.vstack((
    188         np.hstack((rotation_matrix, np.zeros((3, 1)))),
    189         np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])
    190     ))
    192 def create_rotations() -> List[np.ndarray]:
    193     """Create the 24 distinct rotation matrices for a probe that can be
    194     oriented to point along any direction of the x, y, and z axis, with its top
    195     aligned along one of the other two axes"""
    196     # This function is inefficient; it considers all possible 90 degree
    197     # rotations along each of the three axes (i.e., 4^3 = 64 combinations), and
    198     # then only returns the 24 unique ones. One could probably reason out how
    199     # to more directly generate the 24 that matter, but this works!
    200     # This first step creates a Rotation instance that stacks all 64 rotations
    201     rotations = R.from_euler(
    202         'zyx',
    203         np.array(list(product(*(((0, 90, 180, 270),) * 3)))),
    204         degrees=True
    205     )
    206     # This next step creates a list of non-duplicate rotation matricies
    207     final_rotations = [augment_matrix(
    208         rotations[0].as_matrix().round()
    209     )]
    210     for rot_obj in rotations[1:]:
    211         # In our case, all of the elements of the rotation matrix should be -1,
    212         # 0, or 1, so we'll round everything to the nearest value to make
    213         # equality checking easier
    214         rot_mat = augment_matrix(rot_obj.as_matrix().round())
    215         for prev_rot_mat in final_rotations:
    216             if (rot_mat == prev_rot_mat).all():
    217                 break
    218         else:
    219             # We get here if the for loop completed without breaking, which
    220             # means we have a unique rotation matrix
    221             final_rotations.append(rot_mat)
    222     return final_rotations
    224 def translation_matrix(offset: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    225     """Given a length-three array representing the x, y, and z offset, return a
    226     4x4 translation matrix (if the offset array is longer than three elements,
    227     only the first three are used, so it's safe to lazily pass length-four
    228     arrays too)"""
    229     return np.vstack((
    230         np.identity(4)[0:3, :],
    231         np.append(offset[0:3], 1)
    232     ))
    234 def count_overlapping_beacons(scanner_1: np.ndarray,
    235                               scanner_2: np.ndarray) -> int:
    236     """Given a pair of (appropriately rotated and translated) beacon positions,
    237     count how many from each scanner are at approximately the same location"""
    238     return (cdist(scanner_1, scanner_2) < 1e-8).sum()
    240 def find_best_overlap(scanner_1: np.ndarray,
    241                       scanner_2: np.ndarray) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]:
    242     """Find the combined rotation/translation matrix for scanner 2 that results
    243     in (magic number) 12 overlapping beacons, or return None if no such
    244     transformation exists"""
    245     # The algorithm: for each possible rotation, calculate the distance matrix
    246     # (using Euclidean distance) between the two sets of beacons. If (magic
    247     # number) 12 or more beacon pairs have the same distance, translate
    248     # scanner_2's beacons so that the first such pair has a distance of zero.
    249     # If the remainder of the same-distance pairs don't also go to zero,
    250     # continue to the next pair, until there are fewer than twelve remaining
    251     # pairs to check.
    252     for rot_mat in create_rotations():
    253         scanner_2_rot =
    254         dist_mat = cdist(scanner_1, scanner_2_rot)
    255         # We'll round the distance matrix to get a sense of the mode
    256         beacon_dist_count = np.bincount(
    257             np.reshape(dist_mat.round(), dist_mat.size)
    258             .astype(int)
    259         )
    260         if beacon_dist_count.max() >= 12:
    261             # There are at least 12 beacon pairs with similar distances.
    262             # Iterate through the pairs to see if translating one to the other
    263             # provides a match.
    264             potential_beacon_matches = np.nonzero(
    265                 dist_mat.round() == np.argmax(beacon_dist_count)
    266             )
    267             # Technically we can stop iterating when there are fewer than 12
    268             # possible matches but I don't feel like programming that in unless
    269             # I have to.
    270             for scanner_1_beacon_idx, scanner_2_beacon_idx in \
    271                     zip(*potential_beacon_matches):
    272                 scanner_1_beacon = scanner_1[scanner_1_beacon_idx, :]
    273                 scanner_2_beacon = scanner_2_rot[scanner_2_beacon_idx, :]
    274                 trans_mat = translation_matrix(
    275                     scanner_1_beacon - scanner_2_beacon
    276                 )
    277                 num_overlapping = count_overlapping_beacons(
    278                     scanner_1,
    280                 )
    281                 if num_overlapping >= 12:
    282                     return
    283     return None
    285 def create_beacon_network(scanner_beacons: List[np.ndarray]) -> \
    286         Tuple[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]:
    287     """Given a list of scanner beacons, find all of the unique beacons across
    288     all scanners by rotating and translating the scanner coordinates (relative
    289     to the first beacon in the list). Returns the final beacon locations and a
    290     list of translation matrices."""
    291     scanner_beacon_list: Union[None, np.ndarray] = scanner_beacons.copy()
    292     translation_list: Union[None, np.ndarray] = [None] * len(scanner_beacon_list)
    294     final_beacons = scanner_beacon_list[0]
    295     scanner_beacon_list[0] = None
    296     translation_list[0] = np.identity(4)
    298     # The way the problem is written suggests that not every pair of scanners
    299     # has an overlapping set of beacons. This algorithm loops through all
    300     # scanners sequentially. When it finds overlap with the network, its
    301     # beacons are added to the network and it's removed from further
    302     # consideration. Eventually, all of the beacons should get added!
    303     while sum([x is not None for x in scanner_beacon_list]) > 0:
    304         for scanner_id, beacons in enumerate(scanner_beacon_list):
    305             if beacons is not None:
    306                 trans_mat = find_best_overlap(final_beacons, beacons)
    307                 if trans_mat is not None:
    308                     final_beacons = np.unique(
    309                         np.vstack((
    310                             final_beacons,
    312                         )),
    313                         axis=0
    314                     )
    316                     scanner_beacon_list[scanner_id] = None
    317                     translation_list[scanner_id] = trans_mat
    319     return final_beacons, translation_list
    321 def solve_puzzle(input_string: str) -> int:
    322     """Return the numeric solution to the puzzle"""
    323     return create_beacon_network(parse_input(input_string))[0].shape[0]
    325 def main() -> None:
    326     """Run when the file is called as a script"""
    327     assert solve_puzzle(EXAMPLE_INPUT) == 79
    328     print("Total number of beacons:",
    329           solve_puzzle(get_puzzle_input(19)))
    331 if __name__ == "__main__":
    332     main()