
My attempts to work through the 2021 Advent of Code problems.
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 """For Day 4, we're playing BINGO! The input file has a list of numbers and a
      3 set of bingo cards, and we need to report information about the first card that
      4 wins."""
      6 # Even still I'm tempted to create something like a `BingoCard` object, and
      7 # give it `update` and `check_if_winner` methods. I think it's a fine approach!
      8 # But I'm here at the Advent of Code 2021 to get better at pandas first, and
      9 # more used to functional(ish) paradigms in Python second, so I will eschew
     10 # that and do Pandas DataFrame (which I will just refer to as 'df's for the
     11 # rest of the month) operations as much as possible. I really failed at making
     12 # this "functional" though.
     14 import numpy as np
     15 import pandas as pd
     16 from utils import get_puzzle_input
     18 def parse_input(input_string):
     19     """Given a string representation of the input data, return a tuple
     20     containing a df that represents all the board row and column data and a
     21     list of drawn numbers """
     22     # This is much more heavy-duty parsing that was necessary for the other
     23     # puzzles and I'm stuffing it all into this function.
     24     lines = input_string.split('\n')
     26     # The first line gives the draws. Remove it from the list of lines and
     27     # convert the comma-separated string to a list of integers
     28     number_draws = [int(x) for x in lines.pop(0).split(',')]
     30     # Get rid of the first blank linke and prepare the dict that will store the
     31     # bingo board data and the board/row counters
     32     assert lines.pop(0) == ''
     33     board_data = {'board': [],
     34                   'row': [],
     35                   'col': [],
     36                   'value': []}
     37     current_board = 0
     38     current_row = 0
     40     # Now we work our way through the data representing the boards
     41     for line in lines:
     42         if line:
     43             # If the line is not empty, it's a row from a bingo board
     44             # I'm going to (obnoxiously) pretend that I have no idea how many
     45             # rows or columns are in the boards, but I'm also going to assume
     46             # that they all have the same number of columns
     47             #
     48             # We'll store the data in long format initially, with one row per
     49             # bingo board entry
     50             for current_col, value in enumerate(line.split()):
     51                 board_data['board'].append(current_board)
     52                 board_data['row'].append(current_row)
     53                 board_data['col'].append(current_col)
     54                 board_data['value'].append(int(value))
     56             current_row += 1
     57         else:
     58             # If the line is empty, it indicates that a new bingo board is
     59             # (possibly) starting (it could just be the end of the file)
     60             current_board += 1
     61             current_row = 0
     63     # We'll convert the data to a df and then 'melt' it, giving us two rows for
     64     # each board entry, one associated with the row and another with a column.
     65     # This will make it easier to find winners (this strategy will need to be
     66     # rethought if we have to deal with diagonals in part 2, TBD). We'll also
     67     # add the `marked` column here and initialize it to `False`.
     68     board_df = (
     69         pd.DataFrame.from_dict(board_data)
     70         .melt(id_vars=('board', 'value'),
     71               var_name='var_name',
     72               value_name='var_id')
     73         .assign(marked=False)
     74     )
     76     return (board_df, number_draws)
     78 def mark_boards(board_df, value):
     79     """Return a copy of `board_df` with all of the rows where `value` matches
     80     the passed value have `marked` set to `True`"""
     81     return (
     82         board_df
     83         .assign(marked=lambda x: np.where(x['value'] == value,
     84                                           True, x['marked']))
     85     )
     87 def check_for_winner(board_df):
     88     """If there is a board that has all of the entries in its `var_name` marked
     89     to `True`, return its number; otherwise return `None`"""
     90     # Find any (and all) winning boards
     91     winners_df = (
     92         board_df
     93         .groupby(['board', 'var_name', 'var_id'])
     94         .aggregate({'marked': 'all'})   # mark any row or col that's full
     95         .groupby('board')
     96         .any()                          # mark any board with a full row/col
     97         .reset_index()                  # turn 'board' back into a column
     98     )
     99     # The winners (if any) as a Series
    100     winning_boards = winners_df.loc[winners_df['marked'], 'board']
    101     if winning_boards.empty:
    102         return None
    104     # Return the first (of potentially multiple) winners as an int
    105     return int(winning_boards.iat[0])
    107 def score_winning_board(board_df, board_number):
    108     """Return the sum of the unmarked items in the board with the given
    109     number"""
    110     return (
    111         board_df
    112         .loc[(board_df['board'] == board_number) & \
    113                 (board_df['var_name'] == 'row') & \
    114                 (~board_df['marked'])]
    115         .aggregate({'value': sum})
    116         .to_list()[0]
    117     )
    119 def find_winning_board(board_df, number_draws):
    120     """Given the df of board data and the list of numbers drawn, go through the
    121     numbers until a winner is found. Returns a tuple containing the sum of the
    122     unmarked elements on the winning board and last drawn number number"""
    123     winning_number = None
    124     unmarked_sum = None
    126     for number_draw in number_draws:
    127         board_df = mark_boards(board_df, number_draw)
    128         winning_board = check_for_winner(board_df)
    129         if winning_board  is not None:
    130             unmarked_sum = score_winning_board(board_df, winning_board)
    131             winning_number = number_draw
    132             break
    133     else:
    134         # We ran through the numbers without finding a winner
    135         raise RuntimeError("No winning board found")
    137     return unmarked_sum * winning_number
    139 def solve_puzzle(input_string):
    140     """Return the numeric solution to the puzzle"""
    141     # 91.7 ms ± 1.19 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
    142     return find_winning_board(*parse_input(input_string))
    144 if __name__ == "__main__":
    145     print("Winning puzzle score:",
    146           solve_puzzle(get_puzzle_input(4)))