
My attempts to work through the 2021 Advent of Code problems.
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 """Day 2, Part 2: It turns out that controlling the submarine is more
      3 complicated than we thought in Part 1. We need to maintain a third state
      4 variable (in addition to horizontal and vertical position) called 'aim', and
      5 use that when calculating sub movement."""
      7 # Hey, the functions from Part 1 will be useful once again. All the input
      8 # parsing is the same, and now we just need to use slightly more complicated
      9 # logic when figuring out final position. We can start from the point where we
     10 # have a data frame with the columns `axis` and `offset`.
     12 #from io import StringIO
     13 import numpy as np
     14 import pandas as pd
     15 from utils import get_puzzle_input
     16 from day02_part1 import (convert_input_to_df,
     17                          split_command_parts,
     18                          convert_commands_to_offsets)
     20 def find_submarine_state(offset_df):
     21     """Given a pandas data frame with the columns `axis` and `offset`, we track
     22     `aim` as well as `horizontal` and `vertical` offsets, using complicated
     23     rules:
     24     * 'vertical X' increases or decreases aim (which starts at 0)
     25     * 'horizontal X':
     26       * increases horizontal position by X
     27       * increases vertical position (i.e., depth) by aim * X
     28     This returns a data frame with the columns `horizontal`, `vertical` and
     29     `aim`, representing the running value of these states."""
     30     return (
     31         pd.DataFrame(
     32             # 'aim' represents the up-to-date state of the aim parameter, while
     33             # 'horizontal_step' is just the current step's offset. We save this
     34             # intermediate calculation because we need it for 'depth'.
     35             # This line uses the extremely new-to-me 'walrus operator' to
     36             # cretae the variable `vert_rows` so we don't calculate the
     37             # equality twice. Not sure how I feel about this style.
     38             {'aim': np.where(vert_rows := offset_df['axis'] == 'vertical',
     39                              offset_df['offset'], 0).cumsum(),
     40              'horizontal_step': np.where(~vert_rows,
     41                                          offset_df['offset'], 0)}
     42         )
     43         .assign(depth=lambda x: (x['aim'] * x['horizontal_step']).cumsum(),
     44                 horizontal=lambda x: x['horizontal_step'].cumsum())
     45         .drop('horizontal_step', axis='columns')
     46     )
     48 def calculate_puzzle_solution(running_state_df):
     49     """Given a pandas data frame with the running values of the state of the
     50     submarine (representing the `horizontal` offset, the `depth`, and also the
     51     `aim` which is not used), return the product of the final value of the
     52     `horizontal` offset and `depth`"""
     53     return running_state_df.iloc[-1][['depth', 'horizontal']].prod()
     55 def solve_puzzle(input_string):
     56     """Return the numeric solution to the puzzle"""
     57     # Wouldn't it be lovely if this instead looked like:
     58     # return get_puzzle_input(2) |>
     59     #     convert_input_to_df() |>
     60     #     split_command_parts() |>
     61     #     convert_commands_to_offsets() |>
     62     #     find_submarine_state() |>
     63     #     calculate_puzzle_solution()
     64     # Python needs a pipe operator!
     65     return calculate_puzzle_solution(
     66         find_submarine_state(
     67             convert_commands_to_offsets(
     68                 split_command_parts(
     69                     convert_input_to_df(input_string)
     70                 )
     71             )
     72         )
     73     )
     75 if __name__ == "__main__":
     76     print("Product of (new) horizontal and vertical offsets:",
     77           solve_puzzle(get_puzzle_input(2)))