
My attempts to work through the 2021 Advent of Code problems.
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 """Day 2, Part 1: we need to parse submarine commands and figure out where the
      3 submarine winds up. I am very confident that I wrote code to solve this exact
      4 problem, using Lisp, decades ago in undergrad."""
      6 # Once again I'm going to take a pandas-heavy approach even though it's not
      7 # strictly necessary here. I'm going to make some tweaks to the coding
      8 # conventions I used yesterday; I'd like to make it easier to develop different
      9 # implementations and compare their performance.
     11 from io import StringIO
     12 import numpy as np
     13 import pandas as pd
     14 from utils import get_puzzle_input
     16 def convert_input_to_df(input_string):
     17     """Given a string representation of the input data, return a single-column
     18     pandas data frame with the column `commands`"""
     19     return pd.read_csv(StringIO(input_string),
     20                        names=('commands',))
     22 def split_command_parts(command_df):
     23     """Given a pandas data frame with a column `commands`, returns a new data
     24     frame with the columns `direction` and `distance`"""
     25     return (
     26         command_df['commands']
     27         .str.split(n=2, expand=True)
     28         .rename(columns={0:'direction', 1:'distance'})
     29         .assign(distance=lambda x: pd.to_numeric(x['distance']))
     30     )
     32 def convert_commands_to_offsets(command_df):
     33     """Given a pandas data frame with the columns `direction` (in "forward",
     34     "up", and "down") and `distance`, returns a new data frame with the columns
     35     `axis` (either "horizontal" or "vertical") and `offset`"""
     36     return pd.DataFrame(
     37         {'axis': np.where(command_df['direction'].isin(('up', 'down')),
     38                           'vertical', 'horizontal'),
     39          'offset': np.where(command_df['direction'] == 'up',
     40                             -command_df['distance'], command_df['distance'])}
     41     )
     43 def find_total_offsets(offset_df):
     44     """Given a pandas data frame with the column `axis` and any others, find
     45     the sum of other columns grouped by `axis`. (Note that this doesn't
     46     restrict itself to the axes 'horizontal' or 'vertical' and it doesn't check
     47     the other column names"""
     48     # You know, in retrospect it was maybe confusing to call a column 'axis' in
     49     # pandas world. Ah well!
     50     return offset_df.groupby('axis').sum()
     52 def calculate_puzzle_solution(axis_summary_df):
     53     """Given a pandas data frame with the sum of `offset` values along each
     54     `axis`, multiply the 'horizontal' and 'vertical' offsets."""
     55     return axis_summary_df.loc['horizontal', 'offset'] * \
     56         axis_summary_df.loc['vertical', 'offset']
     58 def solve_puzzle(input_string):
     59     """Return the numeric solution to the puzzle"""
     60     return calculate_puzzle_solution(
     61         find_total_offsets(
     62             convert_commands_to_offsets(
     63                 split_command_parts(
     64                     convert_input_to_df(input_string)
     65                 )
     66             )
     67         )
     68     )
     70 if __name__ == "__main__":
     71     print("Product of horizontal and vertical offsets:",
     72           solve_puzzle(get_puzzle_input(2)))