
Varvara Ordinator, written in ANSI C(SDL2)
git clone https://git.eamoncaddigan.net/uxn.git
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clock.tal (8920B)

      1 ( simple graphical clock )
      3 |00 @System     [ &vector $2 &pad      $6 &r      $2 &g     $2 &b      $2 ]
      4 |10 @Console    [ &vector $2 &read     $1 &pad    $5 &write $1 &error  $1 ]
      5 |20 @Screen     [ &vector $2 &width    $2 &height $2 &auto  $1 &pad    $1 &x      $2 &y      $2 &addr $2 &pixel $1 &sprite $1 ]
      6 |c0 @DateTime   [ &year   $2 &month    $1 &day    $1 &hour  $1 &minute $1 &second $1 &dotw $1 &doty $2 &isdst $1 ]
      8 |0000
     10 @last
     11 	&day $1 &sec $1
     12 @center
     13 	&x $2 &y $2
     14 @date
     15 	&x $2 &y $2
     16 @time
     17 	&x $2 &y $2
     18 @needles
     19 	&hx $2 &hy $2
     20 	&mx $2 &my $2
     21 	&sx $2 &sy $2
     22 	&zx $2 &zy $2
     23 @buf
     24 	&d $3 &h $2 &s1 $1 &m $2 &s2 $1 &s $3
     25 @line
     26 	&x $2 &y $2 &dx $2 &dy $2 &e1 $2
     28 |0100 ( -> )
     30 	( theme )
     31 	#0ff8 .System/r DEO2
     32 	#0f08 .System/g DEO2
     33 	#0f08 .System/b DEO2
     34 	( resize )
     35 	#00d0 .Screen/width DEO2
     36 	#0120 .Screen/height DEO2
     37 	( vectors )
     38 	;on-frame .Screen/vector DEO2
     39 	( center )
     40 	.Screen/width DEI2 #01 SFT2
     41 		DUP2 .center/x STZ2
     42 		DUP2 #0028 SUB2 .date/x STZ2
     43 		#0020 SUB2 .time/x STZ2
     44 	.Screen/height DEI2 #01 SFT2
     45 		DUP2 .center/y STZ2
     46 		DUP2 #0078 SUB2 .date/y STZ2
     47 		#006c ADD2 .time/y STZ2
     48 	;draw-watchface JSR2
     49 	( time buffer )
     50 	LIT ":
     51 		DUP .buf/s1 STZ
     52 		.buf/s2 STZ
     54 ( continue )
     56 @on-frame ( -> )
     58 	( once per second )
     59 	.DateTime/second DEI
     60 	DUP .last/sec LDZ EQU ,&same-sec JCN
     61 		( make time )
     62 		.DateTime/hour DEI .buf/h ;decimal JSR2
     63 		.DateTime/minute DEI .buf/m ;decimal JSR2
     64 		DUP .buf/s ;decimal JSR2
     65 		( draw label )
     66 		.time/x LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2
     67 		.time/y LDZ2 .Screen/y DEO2
     68 		;buf/h ;draw-text JSR2
     69 		( draw needles )
     70 		#00 ;draw-needles JSR2
     71 		;make-needles JSR2
     72 		#01 ;draw-needles JSR2
     73 		DUP .last/sec STZ
     74 		&same-sec
     75 	POP
     77 	( once per day )
     78 	.DateTime/day DEI
     79 	DUP .last/day LDZ EQU ,&same-day JCN
     80 		( make date )
     81 		DUP .buf/d ;decimal JSR2
     82 		( draw label )
     83 		.date/x LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2
     84 		.date/y LDZ2 .Screen/y DEO2
     85 		[ #00 .DateTime/dotw DEI #20 SFT ] ;week-txt ADD2 ;draw-text JSR2
     86 		[ #00 .DateTime/month DEI #20 SFT ] ;month-txt ADD2 ;draw-text JSR2
     87 		;buf/d ;draw-text JSR2
     88 		DUP .last/day STZ
     89 		&same-day
     90 	POP
     92 BRK
     94 @draw-needles ( draw -- )
     96 	STH
     97 	.center/x LDZ2 .center/y LDZ2
     98 	OVR2 OVR2
     99 	.needles/mx LDZ2 .needles/my LDZ2 #01 STHkr MUL
    100 		;draw-line JSR2
    101 	OVR2 OVR2
    102 	.needles/hx LDZ2 .needles/hy LDZ2 #01 STHkr MUL
    103 		;draw-line JSR2
    104 	.needles/sx LDZ2 .needles/sy LDZ2
    105 	.needles/zx LDZ2 .needles/zy LDZ2 #02 STHr MUL
    106 		;draw-line JSR2
    108 	( middle )
    109 	#0001 SUB2 .Screen/y DEO2
    110 	#0001 SUB2 .Screen/x DEO2
    111 	;middle-icn .Screen/addr DEO2
    112 	#0a .Screen/sprite DEO
    114 JMP2r
    116 @draw-text ( addr* -- )
    118 	( auto addr ) #15 .Screen/auto DEO
    119 	&while
    120 		LDAk
    121 		DUP ;is-lc JSR2 ,&lc JCN
    122 		DUP ;is-uc JSR2 ,&uc JCN
    123 		DUP ;is-num JSR2 ,&num JCN
    124 		DUP LIT "/ EQU ,&slash JCN
    125 		DUP LIT ": EQU ,&colon JCN
    126 		POP ;font/blank
    127 		&end
    128 		.Screen/addr DEO2
    129 		#03 .Screen/sprite DEO
    130 		INC2 LDAk ,&while JCN
    131 	POP2
    132 	#00 .Screen/sprite DEO
    133 	( auto none ) #00 .Screen/auto DEO
    135 JMP2r
    136 	&lc #61 SUB #00 SWP #40 SFT2 ;font/lc ADD2 ,&end JMP
    137 	&uc #41 SUB #00 SWP #40 SFT2 ;font/uc ADD2 ,&end JMP
    138 	&num #30 SUB #00 SWP #40 SFT2 ;font/num ADD2 ,&end JMP
    139 	&slash POP ;font/slash ,&end JMP
    140 	&colon POP ;font/colon ,&end JMP
    142 @draw-line ( x1* y1* x2* y2* color -- )
    144 	( load ) STH ,&y STR2 ,&x STR2 .line/y STZ2 .line/x STZ2
    145 	,&x LDR2 .line/x LDZ2 SUB2 ;abs2 JSR2 .line/dx STZ2
    146 	#0000 ,&y LDR2 .line/y LDZ2 SUB2 ;abs2 JSR2 SUB2 .line/dy STZ2
    147 	#ffff #00 .line/x LDZ2 ,&x LDR2 ;lts2 JSR2 DUP2 ADD2 ADD2 ,&sx STR2
    148 	#ffff #00 .line/y LDZ2 ,&y LDR2 ;lts2 JSR2 DUP2 ADD2 ADD2 ,&sy STR2
    149 	.line/dx LDZ2 .line/dy LDZ2 ADD2 .line/e1 STZ2
    150 	&loop
    151 		.line/x LDZ2 DUP2 .Screen/x DEO2 [ LIT2 &x $2 ] EQU2
    152 		.line/y LDZ2 DUP2 .Screen/y DEO2 [ LIT2 &y $2 ] EQU2
    153 			STHkr .Screen/pixel DEO
    154 			AND ,&end JCN
    155 		.line/e1 LDZ2 DUP2 ADD2 DUP2
    156 		.line/dy LDZ2 ;lts2 JSR2 ,&skipy JCN
    157 			.line/e1 LDZ2 .line/dy LDZ2 ADD2 .line/e1 STZ2
    158 			.line/x LDZ2 [ LIT2 &sx $2 ] ADD2 .line/x STZ2
    159 		&skipy
    160 		.line/dx LDZ2 ;gts2 JSR2 ,&skipx JCN
    161 			.line/e1 LDZ2 .line/dx LDZ2 ADD2 .line/e1 STZ2
    162 			.line/y LDZ2 [ LIT2 &sy $2 ] ADD2 .line/y STZ2
    163 		&skipx
    164 		,&loop JMP
    165 	&end
    166 	POPr
    168 JMP2r
    170 @draw-watchface ( -- )
    172 	#3c00
    173 	&loop
    174 		( dots )
    175 		#00 OVRk ADD2 ;table ADD2 LDA2
    176 			#0018 ;circle JSR2
    177 			.Screen/x DEO2 .Screen/y DEO2 #01 .Screen/pixel DEO
    178 		( markers )
    179 		DUP #05 ;mod JSR2 ,&no-marker JCN
    180 			#00 OVRk ADD2 ;table ADD2 LDA2
    181 			STH2k #0018 ;circle JSR2 SWP2
    182 			STH2r #001c ;circle JSR2 SWP2
    183 				#01 ;draw-line JSR2
    184 			&no-marker
    185 		INC GTHk ;&loop JCN2
    186 	POP2
    188 JMP2r
    190 @make-needles ( -- )
    192 	[ #00 .DateTime/second DEI #1e ADD #3c ;mod JSR2 ] DUP2 ADD2 ;table ADD2 LDA2
    193 		#00a0 ,circle JSR .needles/zx STZ2 .needles/zy STZ2
    194 	[ #00 .DateTime/second DEI ] DUP2 ADD2 ;table ADD2 LDA2
    195 		#0020 ,circle JSR .needles/sx STZ2 .needles/sy STZ2
    196 	[ #00 .DateTime/minute DEI ] DUP2 ADD2 ;table ADD2 LDA2
    197 		#0022 ,circle JSR .needles/mx STZ2 .needles/my STZ2
    198 	[ #00 .DateTime/hour DEI #0c ;mod JSR2 #20 SFTk NIP ADD ]
    199 	( minute offset ) [ #00 .DateTime/minute DEI #0f DIV ADD2 ] DUP2 ADD2 ;table ADD2 LDA2
    200 		#002a ,circle JSR .needles/hx STZ2 .needles/hy STZ2
    202 JMP2r
    204 @circle ( cx cy radius* -- y* x* )
    206 	STH2 SWP
    207 	#00 SWP #40 SFT2 STH2kr DIV2 .center/x LDZ2 ADD2 #0800 STH2kr DIV2 SUB2
    208 	STH2 SWP2r
    209 	#00 SWP #40 SFT2 STH2kr DIV2 .center/y LDZ2 ADD2 #0800 STH2kr DIV2 SUB2
    210 	POP2r STH2r
    212 JMP2r
    214 @decimal ( value* zp-label -- )
    216 	STH
    217 	DUP #0a DIV #30 ADD STHkr STZ
    218 	#0a ;mod JSR2 #30 ADD STHr INC STZ
    220 JMP2r
    222 @mod DIVk MUL SUB JMP2r
    223 @abs2 DUP2 #0f SFT2 EQU #05 JCN #0000 SWP2 SUB2 JMP2r
    224 @lts2 #8000 STH2k ADD2 SWP2 STH2r ADD2 GTH2 JMP2r
    225 @gts2 #8000 STH2k ADD2 SWP2 STH2r ADD2 LTH2 JMP2r
    226 @is-uc DUP #40 GTH SWP #5b LTH AND JMP2r
    227 @is-lc DUP #60 GTH SWP #7b LTH AND JMP2r
    228 @is-num DUP #2f GTH SWP #3a LTH AND JMP2r
    230 @week-txt
    231 	"Sun $1 "Mon $1 "Tue $1 "Wed $1 "Thu $1 "Fri $1
    232 	"Sat $1
    234 @month-txt
    235 	"Jan $1 "Feb $1 "Mar $1 "Apr $1 "May $1 "Jun $1
    236 	"Jul $1 "Aug $1 "Sep $1 "Oct $1 "Nov $1 "Dec $1
    238 @table ( 60 positions on a circle )
    239 	8000 8d00 9a02 a706 b40b c011 cb18 d520
    240 	df2a e734 ee40 f44b f958 fd65 ff72 ff80
    241 	ff8d fd9a f9a7 f4b4 eec0 e7cb dfd5 d5df
    242 	cbe7 c0ee b4f4 a7f9 9afd 8dff 80ff 72ff
    243 	65fd 58f9 4bf4 40ee 34e7 2adf 20d5 18cb
    244 	11c0 0bb4 06a7 029a 008d 0080 0072 0265
    245 	0658 0b4b 113f 1834 202a 2a20 3418 3f11
    246 	4b0b 5806 6502 7200
    248 @middle-icn
    249 	40e0 4000 0000 0000
    251 @font
    252 	&num
    253 	0018 2442 4242 4242 4242 4242 4224 1800
    254 	0008 1828 0808 0808 0808 0808 0808 1c00
    255 	0018 2442 4202 0202 0408 1020 4040 7e00
    256 	0018 2442 0202 0438 0402 0202 0204 7800
    257 	000c 0c14 1414 2424 2444 447e 0404 0e00
    258 	007e 4040 4040 5864 4202 0202 0204 7800
    259 	000c 1020 4040 5864 4242 4242 4224 1800
    260 	007e 4202 0204 0404 0808 0810 1010 1000
    261 	0018 2442 4242 2418 2442 4242 4224 1800
    262 	0018 2442 4242 4242 261a 0202 0408 3000
    263 	&uc
    264 	0010 1028 2844 4444 8282 fe82 8282 0000
    265 	00f8 4442 4242 4478 4442 4242 44f8 0000
    266 	003c 4282 8280 8080 8080 8282 423c 0000
    267 	00f8 4442 4242 4242 4242 4242 44f8 0000
    268 	00fc 4240 4040 4878 4840 4040 42fc 0000
    269 	80fe 4240 4040 447c 4440 4040 40e0 0000
    270 	003a 4682 8080 8e82 8282 8282 463a 0000
    271 	00ee 4444 4444 447c 4444 4444 44ee 0000
    272 	0038 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1038 0000
    273 	000e 0404 0404 0404 0404 4444 2810 0000
    274 	00ee 4448 4850 5060 5050 4848 44ee 0000
    275 	00e0 4040 4040 4040 4040 4040 42fe 0000
    276 	0082 c6c6 c6aa aaaa 9292 9282 8282 0000
    277 	00e2 4262 6262 5252 4a4a 4646 42e2 0000
    278 	0038 4482 8282 8282 8282 8282 4438 0000
    279 	00f8 4442 4242 4244 7840 4040 40f0 0000
    280 	0038 4482 8282 8282 8282 829a 643a 0000
    281 	00f8 4442 4242 4478 4844 4442 42e2 0000
    282 	0010 2844 4440 2010 0804 4444 2810 0000
    283 	00fe 9210 1010 1010 1010 1010 1038 0000
    284 	00ee 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4438 0000
    285 	0082 8282 8282 8244 4444 2828 1010 0000
    286 	0082 8292 9292 9292 92ba aa44 4444 0000
    287 	0042 4242 2424 1818 1824 2442 4242 0000
    288 	0082 8282 4444 2828 1010 1010 1038 0000
    289 	007e 4204 0408 0810 1020 2040 427e 0000
    290 	&lc
    291 	0000 0000 0030 0808 3848 4848 4834 0000
    292 	0060 2020 202c 3222 2222 2222 322c 0000
    293 	0000 0000 001c 2240 4040 4040 221c 0000
    294 	000c 0404 0434 4c44 4444 4444 4c36 0000
    295 	0000 0000 0018 2424 3c20 2020 2418 0000
    296 	000c 1210 1038 1010 1010 1010 1038 0000
    297 	0000 0000 0034 4a48 4830 4038 4444 4438
    298 	00c0 4040 4058 6444 4444 4444 44ee 0000
    299 	0010 0000 0030 1010 1010 1010 1038 0000
    300 	0008 0000 0018 0808 0808 0808 0808 2810
    301 	0060 2020 2022 2224 2438 2424 2272 0000
    302 	0030 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1038 0000
    303 	0000 0000 00a4 da92 9292 9292 9292 0000
    304 	0000 0000 00d8 6444 4444 4444 44ee 0000
    305 	0000 0000 0038 4482 8282 8282 4438 0000
    306 	0000 0000 00d8 6442 4242 4242 6458 40e0
    307 	0000 0000 0034 4c84 8484 8484 4c34 040e
    308 	0000 0000 0068 3420 2020 2020 2070 0000
    309 	0000 0000 0018 2424 1008 0424 2418 0000
    310 	0010 1010 107c 1010 1010 1010 1408 0000
    311 	0000 0000 00cc 4444 4444 4444 4c36 0000
    312 	0000 0000 00ee 4444 4428 2828 1010 0000
    313 	0000 0000 0092 9292 9292 92aa 4444 0000
    314 	0000 0000 00ee 4428 1010 1028 44ee 0000
    315 	0000 0000 00ee 4444 4448 2828 1010 2040
    316 	0000 0000 007c 4408 0810 2020 447c 0000
    317 	&colon
    318 	0000 0000 0010 1000 0000 0000 1010 0000
    319 	&slash
    320 	0202 0404 0808 1010 2020 4040 8080 0000
    321 	&blank
    322 	0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000