
Varvara Ordinator, written in ANSI C(SDL2)
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mandelbrot.tal (4925B)

      1 ( mandelbrot.tal )
      2 ( )
      3 ( by alderwick and d_m )
      5 %WIDTH { #02a0 }
      6 %HEIGHT { #0200 }
      7 %XMIN { #de69 } ( -8601 )
      8 %XMAX { #0b33 } ( 2867 )
      9 %YMIN { #ecc7 } ( -4915 )
     10 %YMAX { #1333 } ( 4915 )
     12 |00 @System &vector $2 &wst $1 &rst $1 &eaddr $2 &ecode $1 &pad $1 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 &debug $1 &halt $1
     13 |20 @Screen &vector $2 &width $2 &height $2 &auto $1 &pad $1 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &pixel $1 &sprite $1
     15 |0100 ( -> )
     17 	( theme )
     18 	#0f0f .System/r DEO2
     19 	#0ff0 .System/g DEO2
     20 	#00ff .System/b DEO2
     22 	( size )
     23 	WIDTH  .Screen/width  DEO2
     24 	HEIGHT .Screen/height DEO2
     26 	( run )
     27 	draw-mandel
     28 	BRK
     30 ( draw the mandelbrot set using 4.12 fixed point numbers )
     31 @draw-mandel ( -> )
     32 	XMAX XMIN SUB2 WIDTH DIV2 ,&dx STR2  ( ; &dx<-{xmax-min}/width )
     33 	YMAX YMIN SUB2 HEIGHT DIV2 ,&dy STR2 ( ; &dy<-{ymax-ymin}/height )
     34 	[ LIT2 01 -Screen/auto ] DEO         ( ; auto<-1 )
     35 	LIT2r 8000                           ( [8000] )
     36 	YMAX YMIN                            ( ymax* ymin* [8000] )
     37 	&yloop                               ( ymax* y* [8000] )
     38 		XMAX XMIN                        ( ymax* y* xmax* xmin* [8000] )
     39 		&xloop                           ( ymax* y* xmax* x* [8000] )
     40 			ROT2k evaluate               ( ymax* y* xmax* x* xmax* count^ [8000] )
     41 			.Screen/pixel DEO POP2       ( ymax* y* xmax* x* [8000] )
     42 			[ LIT2 &dx $2 ] ADD2         ( ymax* y* xmax* x+dx* [8000] )
     43 			OVR2 STH2kr ADD2             ( ymax* y* xmax* x+dx* 8000+xmax* [8000] )
     44 			OVR2 STH2kr ADD2             ( ymax* y* xmax* x+dx* 8000+xmax* 8000+x+dx* [8000] )
     45 			GTH2 ?&xloop                 ( ymax* y* xmax* x+dx* [8000] )
     46 		POP2 POP2                        ( ymax* y* [8000] )
     47 		#0000 .Screen/x DEO2             ( ymax* y* [8000] ; sc/x<-0 )
     48 		.Screen/y DEI2k                  ( ymax* y* d^ sy* [8000] )
     49 		INC2 ROT DEO2                    ( ymax* y* [8000] ; sc/y<-sy+1 )
     50 		[ LIT2 &dy $2 ] ADD2             ( ymax* y+dy* [8000] )
     51 		OVR2 STH2kr ADD2                 ( ymax* y+dy* 8000+ymax* [8000] )
     52 		OVR2 STH2kr ADD2                 ( ymax* y+dy* 8000+ymax* 8000+y+dy* [8000] )
     53 		GTH2 ?&yloop                     ( ymax* y+dy* [8000] )
     54 	POP2 POP2 POP2r JMP2r                ( )
     56 @evaluate ( x* y* -> count^ )
     57 	#0000 DUP2 ,&x1 STR2         ( x* y* ; x1<-0 )
     58 		  DUP2 ,&y1 STR2         ( x* y* ; y1<-0 )
     59 		  DUP2 ,&x2 STR2         ( x* y* ; x2<-0 )
     60 			   ,&y2 STR2         ( x* y* ; y2<-0 )
     61 	LIT2r 2000                   ( x* y* [20 00] )
     62 	&loop                        ( x* y* [20 n^] )
     63 		[ LIT2 &x1 $2 ]          ( x* y* x1* [20 n^] )
     64 		[ LIT2 &y1 $2 ]          ( x* y* x1* y1* [20 n^] )
     65 		smul2 DUP2 ADD2          ( x* y* 2x1y1* [20 n^] )
     66 		OVR2 ADD2 ,&y1 STR2      ( x* y* [20 n^] ; y1<-2x1y1+y* )
     67 		SWP2 [ LIT2 &x2 $2 ]     ( y* x* x2* [20 n^] )
     68 		[ LIT2 &y2 $2 ] SUB2     ( y* x* x2-y2* [20 n^] )
     69 		OVR2 ADD2 ,&x1 STR2 SWP2 ( x* y* [20 n^] ; x1<-x2-y2+x* )
     70 		,&x1 LDR2 square         ( x* y* x1^2* [20 n^] )
     71 		DUP2 ,&x2 STR2           ( x* y* x1^2* [20 n^] ; x2<-x1^2* )
     72 		,&y1 LDR2 square         ( x* y* x1^2* y1^2* [20 n^] )
     73 		DUP2 ,&y2 STR2           ( x* y* x1^2* y1^2* [20 n^] ; y2<-y1^2* )
     74 		ADD2 #4000 GTH2 ?&end    ( x* y* [20 n^] )
     75 		INCr GTHkr STHr ?&loop   ( x* y* [20 n+1*] )
     76 	&end                         ( x* y* [20 count^] )
     77 	POP2 POP2 NIPr STHr JMP2r    ( count^ )
     79 ( multiply two signed 4.12 fixed point numbers )
     80 @smul2 ( a* b* -> ab* )
     81 	LIT2r 0001 DUP2 #8000 LTH2 ?&bpos negate SWPr ( a* |b|* [sign*] )
     82 	&bpos SWP2 DUP2 #8000 LTH2 ?&apos negate SWPr ( |b|* |a|* [sign*] )
     83 	&apos smul2-pos STHr ?&abpos negate           ( ab* [scrap^] )
     84 	&abpos POPr JMP2r                             ( ab* )
     86 ( multiply two non-negative fixed point numbers )
     87 ( )
     88 ( a * b = {a0/16 + a1/4096} * {b0/16 + b1/4096} )
     89 (       = a0b0/256 + a1b0/65536 + a0b1/65536 + a1b1/16777216 )
     90 (       = x + y + z + 0 ; the last term is too small to represent, i.e. zero )
     91 ( )
     92 ( x = a0b0 << 4 )
     93 ( y = a1b0 >> 4 )
     94 ( z = a0b1 >> 4 )
     95 @smul2-pos ( a* b* -> ab* )
     96 	aerate ROT2 aerate           ( b0* b1* a0* a1* )
     97 	STH2 ROT2k                   ( b0* b1* a0* b1* a0* b0* [a1*] )
     98 	STH2 MUL2r                   ( b0* b1* a0* b1* a0* [a1b0*] )
     99 	MUL2 STH2 ADD2r              ( b0* b1* a0* [a1b0+a0b1*] )
    100 	NIP2 MUL2 #07ff min #40 SFT2 ( a0b0* [y+z*] )
    101 	STH2r #04 SFT2 ADD2          ( x* [y+z*] )
    102 	#7fff !min                   ( ab* )
    104 ( equivalent to DUP2 smul2 but faster )
    105 @square ( a* -> aa* )
    106 	DUP2 #8000 LTH2 ?&pos negate &pos
    108 ( >> )
    110 ( equivalent to DUP2 smul2-pos but faster )
    111 @square-pos ( a* -> aa* )
    112 	aerate                       ( 00 ahi^ 00 alo^ )
    113 	OVR2 MUL2 #03 SFT2 SWP2      ( yz* ahi* )
    114 	DUP2 MUL2 #07ff min #40 SFT2 ( x* yz* )
    115 	ADD2 #7fff !min              ( aa* )
    117 ( convert each byte of a a short into a short )
    118 @aerate ( x* -> 00 xhi^ 00 xlo^ ) SWP #0000 ROT SWP2 SWP JMP2r
    120 ( negate a fixed point number. doesn't work for #8000 )
    121 @negate ( x* -> -x* ) DUP2k EOR2 SWP2 SUB2 JMP2r
    123 ( return the minimum of two non-negative numbers. )
    124 @min ( x* y* ) GTH2k [ JMP SWP2 ] NIP2 JMP2r