
Varvara Ordinator, written in ANSI C(SDL2)
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asma.moon (2599B)

      1 --
      2 -- Asma tree helper script
      3 --
      4 -- This script balances the trees at the end of projects/library/asma.tal.
      5 --
      6 -- To run, you need Lua or LuaJIT, and just run etc/asma.lua from the top
      7 -- directory of Uxn's git repository:
      8 --
      9 --     lua etc/asma.lua
     10 --
     11 -- This file is written in MoonScript, which is a language that compiles to
     12 -- Lua, the same way as e.g. CoffeeScript compiles to JavaScript. Since
     13 -- installing MoonScript has more dependencies than Lua, the compiled
     14 -- etc/asma.lua is kept in Uxn's repository and will be kept updated as this
     15 -- file changes.
     16 --
     18 output = assert io.open '.asma.tal', 'w'
     20 process_subtree = (items) ->
     21     middle = math.floor #items / 2 + 1.25
     22     node = items[middle]
     23     if not node
     24         return
     25     node.left = process_subtree [ item for i, item in ipairs items when i < middle ]
     26     node.right = process_subtree [ item for i, item in ipairs items when i > middle ]
     27     node
     29 process_tree = (items) ->
     30     sorted_items = [ item for item in *items ]
     31     table.sort sorted_items, (a, b) -> a.order < b.order
     32     (process_subtree sorted_items).label = '&_entry'
     33     for item in *items
     34         output\write '\t%-11s %-10s %-12s %s%s\n'\format item.label, item.left and item.left.ref or ' $2', (item.right and item.right.ref or ' $2') .. item.extra, item.key, item.rest
     36 parse_tree = (it) ->
     37     items = {}
     38     for l in it
     39         if l == ''
     40             process_tree items
     41             output\write '\n'
     42             return
     43         item = { extra: '' }
     44         item.key, item.rest = l\match '^%s*%S+%s+%S+%s+%S+%s+(%S+)(.*)'
     45         if item.key\match '^%&'
     46             item.extra = ' %s'\format item.key
     47             item.key, item.rest = item.rest\match '^%s+(%S+)(.*)'
     48         if item.key\match '^%"'
     49             item.order = item.key\sub 2
     50         elseif item.key\match '^%x%x'
     51             item.order = string.char tonumber item.key, 16
     52         else
     53             error 'unknown key: %q'\format item.key
     54         if item.order\match '^%a'
     55             item.label = '&%s'\format item.order
     56         elseif item.order\match '^.$'
     57             item.label = '&%x'\format item.order\byte!
     58         else
     59             error 'unknown label: %q'\format item.order
     60         item.ref = ':%s'\format item.label
     61         table.insert items, item
     63 it = assert io.lines 'projects/library/asma.tal'
     64 waiting_for_cut = true
     65 for l in it
     66     output\write l
     67     output\write '\n'
     68     if l\find '--- cut here ---', 1, true
     69         waiting_for_cut = false
     70     if not waiting_for_cut and '@' == l\sub 1, 1
     71         parse_tree it
     72 output\close!
     73 os.execute 'mv .asma.tal projects/library/asma.tal'