
Tools to analyze aircraft and flight path data.
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test_createTrajectory.R (2440B)

      1 library(flightpathr)
      2 context("createTrajectory")
      4 library(geosphere)
      6 # Find the lon/lat of the flight path between KACY and K17N flying at 100 knots
      7 kacy <- c(-74.5771667, 39.4575833)
      8 k17n <- c(-75.0330031, 39.7054758)
      9 distMeters <- distHaversine(kacy, k17n)
     10 # distMeters m * (1 hr / 100 nmi) * (1 nmi / 1852 m) * (3600 s / 1 hr)
     11 timeSec <- round(distMeters * (1/100) * (3600/1852))
     12 trajectoryMat <- gcIntermediate(kacy, k17n, n = timeSec-2, addStartEnd = TRUE)
     13 trajectory <- createTrajectory(trajectoryMat[, "lon"],
     14                                trajectoryMat[, "lat"],
     15                                rep(2500, timeSec))
     17 test_that("Passed arguments are stored correctly", {
     18   expect_equal(trajectory$longitude, trajectoryMat[, "lon"])
     19   expect_equal(trajectory$latitude, trajectoryMat[, "lat"])
     20   expect_equal(trajectory$altitude, rep(2500, timeSec))
     21 })
     23 test_that("Bearing and groundspeed calculations are correct", {
     24   expect_equal(trajectory$timestamp, seq(1, timeSec))
     25   expect_equal(trajectory$groundspeed, rep(100, timeSec), tolerance = 0.5)
     26   expect_equal(trajectory$bearing[1:(timeSec-1)],
     27                bearing(trajectoryMat[1:(timeSec-1), ], trajectoryMat[2:timeSec, ]))
     28 })
     30 test_that("Input types are checked", {
     31   expect_error(createTrajectory(paste(trajectoryMat[, "lon"]), trajectoryMat[, "lat"]),
     32                "\"longitude\" must be a numeric vector")
     33   expect_error(createTrajectory(trajectoryMat[, "lon"], paste(trajectoryMat[, "lat"])),
     34                "\"latitude\" must be a numeric vector")
     35   expect_error(createTrajectory(trajectoryMat[, "lon"], trajectoryMat[, "lat"], paste(rep(2500, timeSec))),
     36                "\"altitude\" must be a numeric vector")
     37 })
     39 test_that("Input lengths are checked", {
     40   expect_error(createTrajectory(trajectoryMat[, "lon"], trajectoryMat[1, "lat"]),
     41                paste("Vector \"latitude\" has length = 1, expected length =", timeSec))
     42   # Altitude can have length of 1 or timeSec, otherwise there should be an error
     43   expect_error(createTrajectory(trajectoryMat[, "lon"], trajectoryMat[, "lat"], rep(2500, 2)),
     44                paste("Vector \"altitude\" has length = 2, expected length =", timeSec))
     45   expect_equal(createTrajectory(trajectoryMat[, "lon"], trajectoryMat[, "lat"], 2500)$altitude,
     46                rep(2500, timeSec))
     47 })
     49 test_that("Trajectories are identified", {
     50   expect_true(is.flighttrajectory(trajectory))
     51   expect_false(is.flighttrajectory(trajectoryMat))
     52 })