
Reanalyses of data from Horne, Powell, Hummel & Holyoak (2015)
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EndingScoreDifferences.R (1185B)

      1 # Worried about failures of random assignment. Let's check differences in FINAL 
      2 # scores, instead of differences in CHANGES. 
      3 # 
      4 # This assumes that all the chunks from antivax-attitudes.Rmd had been run in
      5 # the current environment.
      7 png(file="bayesian_ending_scores.png", width=900, height=300)
      8 par(mfrow = c(1, 3), mar=c(2, 1, 1, 1), oma=c(0, 0, 4, 0))
     10 # We'll look at all the pairs of levels for x2. Easy for three levels, but this
     11 # code is a bit more generic.
     12 x2Combn <- combn(length(levels(questionnaireData$intervention)), 2)
     14 for (combnIdx in seq_len(dim(x2Combn)[2])) {
     15   x2Level1 <- x2Combn[2, combnIdx]
     16   x2Level2 <- x2Combn[1, combnIdx]
     17   plotPost((mcmcMat[, paste0("b2[", x2Level1, "]")] + mcmcMat[, paste0("b2b3[", x2Level1, ",2]")]) - 
     18                (mcmcMat[, paste0("b2[", x2Level2, "]")] + mcmcMat[, paste0("b2b3[", x2Level2, ",2]")]),
     19              main = "",
     20              compVal = 0.0, ROPE = c(-0.05, 0.05),
     21              xlab = "")
     22   mtext(paste0(levels(questionnaireData$intervention)[x2Level1], " vs.\n",
     23                levels(questionnaireData$intervention)[x2Level2]),
     24         side = 3, line = -2)
     25 }
     26 title("Ending score differences", outer=TRUE)