day_3.jl (1968B)
1 #!/usr/bin/env julia 2 # 3 using AdventOfCode 4 5 example = split(""" 6 vJrwpWtwJgWrhcsFMMfFFhFp 7 jqHRNqRjqzjGDLGLrsFMfFZSrLrFZsSL 8 PmmdzqPrVvPwwTWBwg 9 wMqvLMZHhHMvwLHjbvcjnnSBnvTQFn 10 ttgJtRGJQctTZtZT 11 CrZsJsPPZsGzwwsLwLmpwMDw""", 12 "\n") 13 input = readlines("data/day_3.txt") 14 15 # Return a tuple of arrays for a rucksack, consisting of the priority values of 16 # all of the (unique) items in the compartment. This abuses ASCII/UTF-8 17 # encoding of [a-zA-Z] 18 function get_compartments(rucksack::String) 19 rucksack = Vector{UInt8}(rucksack) 20 rucksack = map(x->(x>Int('Z')) ? x-Int('a')+1 : x-Int('A')+27, 21 rucksack) 22 (rucksack[1:end÷2], 23 rucksack[end÷2+1:end]) 24 end 25 26 # This is written to assume there's only one item in both compartments 27 function get_compartment_intersection_priority(rucksack::String) 28 compartments = get_compartments(rucksack) 29 intersect(compartments...)[1] 30 end 31 32 function part_1(input::Array{String,1}) 33 sum(map(get_compartment_intersection_priority, input)) 34 end 35 @assert part_1(example) == 157 36 @info part_1(input) 37 38 # For part 2, we don't need to worry about rucksack compartments at all, but I 39 # already wrote the logic to turn items into values, and reusing 40 # get_compartments gave me the opportunity to learn about Julia's splat 41 # operator `...`. 42 43 # This function takes a group of rucksacks (in string format) and finds the 44 # value of the "badge". Also, you can splat the input to intersect (and I did 45 # that for my original solution), but I saw somebody else call reduce and that 46 # feels worth cribbing (even if it's no more efficient). 47 function get_rucksacks_badge(rucksacks::Array{String,1}) 48 reduce(intersect, 49 map(x->union(get_compartments(x)...),rucksacks))[1] 50 end 51 52 function part_2(input::Array{String,1}) 53 sum(map(get_rucksacks_badge, 54 Iterators.partition(input, 3))) 55 end 56 @assert part_2(example) == 70 57 @info part_2(input)